Mourning Dove In An Arkansas Winter Wonderland
Another series of snowy birds from the snowstorm that hit Arkansas last month. This time, a Mourning Dove that dropped into the deep snow near the feeders.
Another series of snowy birds from the snowstorm that hit Arkansas last month. This time, a Mourning Dove that dropped into the deep snow near the feeders.
This morning, I wanted to share a small selection of White-breasted Nuthatch photos I have taken since I arrived at my friend Steve Creek's home in Arkansas.
I was thrilled to take scores of Carolina Chickadee images when I was in Arkansas, from the comfort of my friend Steve Creek's deck while I visited with him.
I'm sharing just a few photos of female House Finches this morning that I took while I was visiting my friend, Steve Creek, in Arkansas last month.
Today, no matter where you are, no matter what you celebrate at this time of the year, I wish you a bright and peaceful Yule.
Earlier this year I photographed a Tundra Swan in bright winter light that today I am comparing to another swan image I took in winter whiteout conditions.
Last week while up in the mountains on two separate mornings I was able to take some adult male Yellow Warbler photos at the same willow thicket.
I have a lot going on right now so this morning I'm only sharing one image of an adult American White Pelican in bright morning light taken five days ago.
Earlier this week I took a few adult Bald Eagle on ice photos at Bear River MBR from the west side of the twelve mile auto tour loop at the refuge.
Last month I had a brief photo session with a young Song Sparrow near a creek in bright morning light high in the Wasatch Mountains.
It seems that I have spent a lot of time photographing Willow Flycatchers this year and I am happy that I have because I enjoying taking photos of these flycatchers.
Does this Short-eared Owl chick with bright yellow eyes look scary to you? It sure doesn't to me.
Yesterday I saw so many Ruby-crowned Kinglets in northern Utah that it was impossible for me to keep up with them, I am certain I missed some excellent images because of that.
The weather forecast for today isn't as bright as it was on the day last January when I photographed this Chukar walking across a field of fresh snow instead the forecast for today is rather dreary.