Blooming Beardtongue Photos From The Wasatch Mountains
Two days ago I focused on wildflowers I found high in the Wasatch Mountains and this morning I am sharing blooming Beardtongue photos from that morning.
Two days ago I focused on wildflowers I found high in the Wasatch Mountains and this morning I am sharing blooming Beardtongue photos from that morning.
Yesterday morning birds were a little slow high in the Wasatch Mountains so I looked for wildflowers to focus on including blooming Scarlet Gilia.
This morning I wanted to share some photos of the birds and blooms that I took images of one morning last week while I was high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Late last week I stopped my Jeep in the Wasatch Mountains because I spotted a Two-tailed Swallowtail butterfly resting on a blooming serviceberry shrub.
I thought I would share a few photos of a adult male Broad-tailed Hummingbird I took high in the Wasatch Mountains last week as he flashed his gorget.
I wanted to follow my post about a blue bird with blue wildflowers so here are some photos I took last week of Lewis’s Flax which are also known as Wild Blue Flax.
Yesterday I wrote about a Golden Eagle in the Wasatch Mountains. Today I am writing about "golden" again. Blooming Mountain Goldenbanner and a Great Blue Heron.
Yesterday I photographed this male American Goldfinch and thought about how he is as bright as the dandelions that are blooming now in the mountains.
Once again I missed out on photographing Showy Milkweed at the lower elevations of northern Utah but I made up for it by photographing some of these spectacular pink wildflowers high in the Wasatch Mountains yesterday.
I am not just a bird photographer. I am also a student of nature each and every time I venture into the field because being out there teaches me something new on practically every journey.
For a couple of years now I have enjoyed photographing Cedar Waxwings high up in the Wasatch Mountains from spring through the tail end of autumn.
I spent yesterday morning enjoying a Broad-tailed Hummingbird bliss in the Wasatch Mountains by finding their favorite perches and photographing them feeding, resting, and defending their territories.
On Sunday I was up in Box Elder County looking for birds but I also felt I had to stop and take some images of Rocky Mountain Bee Plants that were blooming along side the road.
I enjoyed my time yesterday morning photographing the Gray Catbird and the Hound's Tongue in bloom but I really wish I had been as happy with my catbird photos as I am the wildflower images.
I adore the delicacy of the Wild Blue Flax and the sage-green color of the foliage and how they move so gracefully in a breeze.