My First Of Season Spotted Sandpiper Photos
I took my first of season Spotted Sandpiper photos yesterday morning high in the Wasatch Mountains as I sat in my Jeep next to a creek.
I took my first of season Spotted Sandpiper photos yesterday morning high in the Wasatch Mountains as I sat in my Jeep next to a creek.
This morning I wanted to share two Barn Swallow photos that I took two mornings ago on the north side of the auto tour route at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
This single American White Pelican photo contains an optical illusion that confused my brain when I first viewed it and confuses my brain still.
Some photos just make me laugh and this spring Black-crowned Night Heron butt shot image does just that.
One morning last week I had many opportunities to take Eared Grebe photos at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge including one grebe with a large fish.
On the same morning that I photographed the drake Northern Shoveler flying by at the refuge I also photographed a drake Cinnamon Teal in flight.
Today I am sharing seven Great Blue Heron in flight photos from the marsh at Bear River MBR that I took three days ago.
Yesterday I spent some time up in the Wasatch Mountains where I found and photographed my first of year Uinta Ground Squirrels with frost on the ground.
At the end of last month I spotted a small flock of American Avocets early in the morning at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
The month of May is nearly upon us and for me that means it is time to start looking and listening for my first of year Gray Catbird.
It just seemed appropriate to share a defecating Red-tailed Hawk on day three of crappy weather here in northern Utah.
While I was up in Box Elder County last week I photographed my first Western Willet of the year nestled in sage with its eye on the sky for possible predators.
Today I wanted to share an assortment of spring birds all photographed at Bear River MBR yesterday on a bright and beautiful morning.
Two days ago the second bird I photographed was a Great Blue Heron foraging in a farm pond just after sunrise in Box Elder County.
Yesterday morning I spent a bit of time observing and photographing this Wild Turkey tom strutting and displaying in Box Elder County, Utah.
Two days ago I was able to take photos of a male European Starling on three different perches just a few seconds apart in northern Utah.
The Swainson's Hawk that I spent the most time photographing was snuggled into the top of a sage and he was very calm and confiding.
This is the time of the year when I look forward to taking my first of the season Uinta Ground Squirrel photos high in the Wasatch Mountains.
The first Great Blue Heron was quietly wading through the water in search of prey and the second heron was looking at something in the distance.
On Monday while at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge one of the first birds I photographed was a male Yellow-headed Blackbird resting on a rock.
I have shared photos of this gorgeous dark morph Swainson's Hawk before and since today is the four year anniversary of me finding it I thought I would share one more.
I was able to focus on a nearby adult Cliff Swallow as it warmed up on the dirt auto tour loop road and take a nice series of images of it in the soft light.
Yesterday morning I spent time relaxing in the marshes of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge plus I came home with a nice series of spring Clark's Grebe photos.
One week ago today I found a Great Egret in the marshy wetlands of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge that was close enough to photograph.
This morning I wanted to share a few Red-naped Sapsucker photos I have taken while in gorgeous alpine forests of Idaho and Utah.
This singing adult Savannah Sparrow was photographed on the road that goes to the auto tour route five days ago and I took a nice series of photos of this bird.
Four days ago I had two opportunities to photograph American White Pelicans at the marshy wetlands of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in northern Utah.
I was tickled to be able to take a nice series of male Ring-necked Pheasant portraits yesterday morning in early morning light in Box Elder County, Utah.
What I liked about this photo was that I caught the female Red-winged Blackbird with her bill open while she was munching on a midge.
I was at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge yesterday morning and came home with some spring Yellow-headed Blackbird photos I am happy with.