It’s A Special Day Here At On The Wing Photography
Today is special day here at On The Wing Photography because it marks my 4000th post AND it is also my Mom's 90th Birthday!
Today is special day here at On The Wing Photography because it marks my 4000th post AND it is also my Mom's 90th Birthday!
Yesterday I mentioned that a Pine Siskin chased away the Chipping Sparrow that I shared photos of. This is that Pine Siskin perched on another sage.
Two days ago I had a Chipping Sparrow in breeding plumage perched on sage at the edge of a forest in my viewfinder for a few seconds.
I was thrilled to find and photograph a male Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in spring breeding plumage yesterday at the edge of a juniper woodland in Tooele County.
It is always lovely to have a male Mountain Bluebird like this one I found in the West Desert in my viewfinder because they rival the color of the sky overhead.
Yesterday morning I was excited to spot a bull Moose bedded down and nearly hidden from view while I was up in Morgan County high in the Wasatch Mountains.
While I was out in the West Desert of Utah yesterday I thought about my friend Billy Fenimore and his family as I photographed this adult Gray Flycatcher.
Two mornings ago I spotted a Least Chipmunk crawl up onto a rock and internally squealed with delight as I took my first of season images of the little fur ball.
I had a bit of fun taking female and male Yellow Warbler photos yesterday in the high country of the Wasatch Mountain Range on a bright sunny morning.
I had a few moments to photograph a singing male Spotted Towhee two days ago in Morgan County high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Towards the end of April I spent a few minutes photographing an adult Song Sparrow looking for and gathering nesting materials high in the Wasatch Mountains.
This morning I am sharing a few male Northern Flicker images that I took seven years ago at the edge of a mountain forest in the Targhee National Forest in Idaho.
Today marks seven years of daily posts for me here at On The Wing Photography. Another year has gone by and another milestone has been reached.
I had mere seconds to take this photo of a pair of Mourning Doves perched on lichen covered rocks on a desert cliff face in Box Elder County yesterday morning.
This morning I am sharing two simple Gadwall drake photos that I took last spring from the auto tour route at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
Almost a year ago I had this adult Black-crowned Night Heron in my viewfinder as it flew in front of the Promontory Mountains at Bear River MBR.
On Sunday I had this delightfully cheery, tiny Black-capped Chickadee hanging from a branch in my viewfinder for a few moments in time.
I was pretty excited to spot a small herd of cow and yearling Elk grazing on a steep slope in a canyon high in the Wasatch Mountains this past Sunday.
This morning I am sharing photos of a Song Sparrow I found yesterday morning high in the mountains where the temps were so low that frost had formed overnight.
It was thirteen years ago today when I took this photo of an adult Black Skimmer flying over the Gulf of Mexico in Pinellas County, Florida.
About two weeks ago I found an adult Loggerhead Shrike perched on a lichen covered rock in northern Utah a good distance from the road that I was on.
Two days ago while I was high in the Wasatch Mountains this adult male Mountain Bluebird landed close enough for me to take photos of him.
Yesterday morning I spent some time high in the Wasatch Mountains and came home with a few Ruby-crowned Kinglet photos that I liked enough to share.
About this time last year I took this photo of an adult Eared Grebe floating past me on the Bear River from the road that goes to the auto tour route.
I spent some time wandering in the West Desert yesterday morning and the only decent bird photos that I took were of this male Mountain Bluebird.
I've been hearing more Savannah Sparrows than usual at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge this spring. I hope that means their numbers are increasing.
This post with an image of my first of year Turkey Vulture is about 16 days late because I actually spotted this vulture on April 1st way up in northern Utah.
I took this Canada Goose portrait last week at my local pond before the weather decided to turn to crap and go from spring to winter and back to spring.
I'm sharing a few spring Clark's Grebe images today that I took up in the marshes of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge during the first week of April.
Any time I have a Rock Wren in my viewfinder is a good day for me. Yesterday was an especially good day because I had two nesting adult Rock Wrens to focus on.