Ruddy Turnstone Images, Facts and Information:
Arenaria interpres
- Ruddy Turnstones are medium sized, stocky shorebirds with short dark bills, short orange legs, black and white facial patterns, white bellies and dark backs. In breeding plumage their backs and sides turn a bright reddish brown and the facial patterns become more distinct.
- Turnstones get their name because while foraging they often turn stones (or shells, seaweed on wrack lines) over to get at their prey.
- Ruddy Turnstones eat insects like midges, small mollusks, crustaceans, bird eggs when available, some vegetation during the breeding season, garbage and carrion that has washed on shore.
- Ruddy Turnstones are migratory. They breed in arctic coastal tundra habitats, particularly rocky coasts.
- Ruddy Turnstones lay 2 to 4 eggs which hatch in 21 to 23 days. Both sexes incubate and they are monogamous.
- A group of sandpipers can be called a “fling”, “hill”, “bind”, “contradiction” or a “time-step” of sandpipers.
- Ruddy Turnstone can live to be more than 16 years of age.
I hope you enjoy viewing my Ruddy Turnstone photos.
Ruddy Turnstone close up
Title: Ruddy Turnstone close up
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/17/2009
Ruddy Turnstone in breeding plumage
Title: Ruddy Turnstone in breeding plumage
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/17/2009
Ruddy Turnstone side view
Title: Ruddy Turnstone side view
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/17/2009
Curious Ruddy Turnstone
Title: Curious Ruddy Turnstone
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/17/2009
Resting Ruddy Turnstone male
Title: Resting Ruddy Turnstone male
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/17/2009
Adult male Ruddy Turnstone resting on sand
Title: Adult male Ruddy Turnstone resting on sand
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/17/2009
Bathing Ruddy Turnstone
Title: Bathing Ruddy Turnstone
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/10/2009
Ruddy Turnstone bathing
Title: Ruddy Turnstone bathing
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/3/2009
Small flock of Ruddy Turnstones
Title: Small flock of Ruddy Turnstones
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 4/30/2009
Ruddy Turnstone in calm lagoon
Title: Ruddy Turnstone in calm lagoon
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 4/12/2009
Ruddy Turnstone in nonbreeding plumage
Title: Ruddy Turnstone in nonbreeding plumage
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 3/22/2009
Ruddy Turnstone with sea mist
Title: Ruddy Turnstone with sea mist
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 3/22/2009
Ruddy Turnstone on rock
Title: Ruddy Turnstone on rock
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 3/22/2009
Ruddy Turnstone territorial behavior on feeding ground
Title: Ruddy Turnstone territorial behavior on feeding ground
Location: Honeymoon Island State Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 2/8/2009
Honeymoon Island Ruddy Turnstone
Title: Honeymoon Island Ruddy Turnstone
Location: Honeymoon Island State Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 2/8/2009
Ruddy Turnstone with small crab
Title: Ruddy Turnstone with small crab
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 1/6/2009
Early morning Ruddy Turnstone
Title: Early morning Ruddy Turnstone
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 11/23/2008
First light Ruddy Turnstone
Title: First light Ruddy Turnstone
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 11/23/2008
Ruddy Turnstone feeding on Sea Urchin
Title: Ruddy Turnstone feeding on Sea Urchin
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 11/23/2008
Sea Urchin with Ruddy Turnstone
Title: Sea Urchin with Ruddy Turnstone
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 11/23/2008