Title: Flock of Snow Geese blasting off at Sequoyah NWR
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/28/2024
Title: Flock of Snow Geese blasting off at Sequoyah NWR
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/28/2024
Title: Blizzard of Snow Geese taking off at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/28/2024
Title: Small gaggle of Snow Geese in a field
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: Immature white morph Snow Geese in the front
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: Eight Snow Geese flying over Sequoyah NWR
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: One dark morph and three white morph Snow Geese in flight
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: Seven Snow Geese in flight over Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: Flock of Snow Geese flying over Sequoyah NWR
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: Snow Goose flock in early morning at Sequoyah NWR
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: Flock of Snow Geese in a field
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: Adult and juvenile white morph Snow Geese
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 11/15/2012
Title: White morph Reddish Egret under its own “umbrella”
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 6/28/2009
Title: White morph Reddish Egret in breeding plumage hunting in the Gulf of Mexico
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/15/2009
Title: Reddish Egret white morph in breeding plumage hunting in the shallows
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/15/2009
Title: White morph Reddish Egret in flight
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/15/2009
Title: White morph Reddish Egret and Canopy-Feeding pose
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/10/2009
Title: White morph Reddish Egret in a stiff breeze
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 3/28/2009
Title: White morph Reddish Egret in the waves of the Gulf of Mexico
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 2/26/2009
Title: Adult white morph Reddish Egret looking for prey on the Gulf Coast
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 2/26/2009
Title: Reddish Egret white morph adult in the warm water of the Gulf
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 11/20/2008
Title: White morph Reddish Egret chasing prey in the Gulf
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 11/20/2008
Title: White Morph Reddish Egret hunting ahead of a storm
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 7/6/2008
Title: White morph Reddish Egret with a stormy background
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 7/6/2008
Title: White morph Reddish Egret in dramatic light
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 7/6/2008
Title: White morph Reddish Egret under stormy skies
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 7/6/2008
Title: Gulf Coast white morph Reddish Egret in breeding plumage
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/15/2009
Title: White Morph Reddish Egret in the sand dunes
Location: Fort De Soto County Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 4/11/2008