Title: Northern Rough-winged Swallow with something crappy in its bill
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 6/10/2018
Title: Northern Rough-winged Swallow with something crappy in its bill
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 6/10/2018
Title: Northern Rough-winged Swallow on the ground next to a sack of crap
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 6/20/2018
Title: Northern Rough-winged Swallow in the Wasatch Mountains
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 6/10/2018
Title: Northern Rough-winged Swallow perched
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 6/10/2018
Title: Northern Rough-winged Swallow perched on a fence post
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/21/2011
Title: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/21/2011
Title: Northern Rough-winged Swallow near the Jordan River
Location: Jordan River Parkway Trail, Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 5/15/2011