Title: Autumn Sharp-shinned Hawk close up
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 10/13/2023
Title: Autumn Sharp-shinned Hawk close up
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 10/13/2023
Title: Sharp-shinned Hawk portrait at Farmington Bay WMA
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 10/13/2023
Title: Neighborhood immature Sharp-shinned Hawk
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 4/6/2023
Title: Sharp-shinned Hawk in front of mountains and clouds
Location: Stansbury Mountains, West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 10/18/2019
Title: Preening Sharp-shinned Hawk
Location: Stansbury Mountains, West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 10/18/2019
Title: Back view of a Sharp-shinned Hawk
Location: Stansbury Mountains, West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 10/18/2019
Title: Sharp-shinned Hawk on an old wooden fence post
Location: Stansbury Mountains, West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 10/18/2019
Title: Centennial Valley immature Sharp-shinned Hawk
Location: Centennial Valley, Beaverhead County, Montana
Date: 9/8/2015
Title: Immature Sharp-shinned Hawk perched on a metal post
Location: Centennial Valley, Beaverhead County, Montana
Date: 9/8/2015
Title: Young Sharp-shinned Hawk on a boulder
Location: Centennial Valley, Beaverhead County, Montana
Date: 9/8/2015