Title: Winter Red-bellied Woodpecker male
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/21/2024
Title: Winter Red-bellied Woodpecker male
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/21/2024
Title: Male Red-bellied Woodpecker with a peanut
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/21/2024
Title: Male Red-bellied Woodpecker on the first day of winter
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/21/2024
Title: Female Eastern Bluebird and a Christmas Gnome
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/18/2024
Title: Charlie Brown Christmas Tree and a Carolina Chickadee
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/18/2024
Title: Adult Carolina Chickadee in a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/18/2024
Title: Female Eastern Bluebird on a Christmas decoration
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/18/2024
Title: Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in a pear tree
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/14/2024
Title: Late fall White-breasted Nuthatch in Arkansas
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/14/2024
Title: Wary Carolina Chickadee on a fall morning
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/12/2024
Title: Carolina Chickadee on a late autumn morning
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/12/2024
Title: Carolina Chickadee on a cold autumn morning
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/12/2024
Title: Late autumn Carolina Chickadee perched on driftwood
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/12/2024
Title: Late fall Carolina Chickadee
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/12/2024
Title: White-throated Sparrow on a driftwood perch
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/12/2024
Title: December male Eastern Bluebird
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/7/2024
Title: Male Eastern Bluebird on a December morning
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/7/2024
Title: Female Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco in December
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/3/2024
Title: Fall Fox Squirrel close up
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/2/2024
Title: Female Purple Finch at the feeder
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 12/2/2024
Title: White-throated Sparrow on driftwood
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 11/23/2024
Title: Myrtle Yellow-rumped Warbler on a chilly fall morning
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 11/21/2024
Title: American Goldfinch on a fall morning in Arkansas
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 11/17/2024
Title: American Goldfinch in nonbreeding plumage in Arkansas
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 11/17/2024
Title: Northern Mockingbird perched on a driftwood suet feeder
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 11/17/2024
Title: Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco in Arkansas
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 11/17/2024
Title: Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco in autumn
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 11/17/2024
Title: Carolina Wren in fall perched on a driftwood feeder
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 11/17/2024