Title: Trees with the Earth Shadow and Belt of Venus at Bear River MBR
Location: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 1/30/2024
Title: Trees with the Earth Shadow and Belt of Venus at Bear River MBR
Location: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 1/30/2024
Title: Killdeer and clover in the Kamas Valley
Location: Kamas Valley, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/17/2023
Title: Adult Sandhill Crane in grassy field in Kamas Valley
Location: Kamas Valley, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/17/2023
Title: Adult Sandhill Crane pre-migration in the Kamas Valley
Location: Kamas Valley, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/17/2023
Title: Kamas Valley Sandhill Crane in August
Location: Kamas Valley, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/17/2023
Title: Adult Sandhill Crane foraging in the Kamas Valley
Location: Kamas Valley, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/17/2023
Title: Kamas Valley Killdeer and manure
Location: Kamas Valley, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/17/2023
Title: Least Sandpiper in the Kamas Valley of Utah
Location: Kamas Valley, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/17/2023
Title: Western Meadowlark with a grasshopper
Location: Kamas Valley, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/17/2023
Title: Tom Wild Turkey with a really long beard
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 10/7/2022
Title: Molting Song Sparrow with one tail feather
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/23/2022
Title: Sandhill Crane male portrait
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/23/2022
Title: Sandhill Crane female portrait
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/23/2022
Title: Sandhill Crane foraging in a pasture
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/11/2022
Title: Female Short-eared Owl in front of a pasture
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/23/2016