Title: Turkey Vulture getting ready to lift off
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 9/15/2021
Title: Turkey Vulture getting ready to lift off
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 9/15/2021
Title: Yawning Turkey Vulture showing its tongue
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 9/15/2021
Title: Turkey Vulture showing its tongue
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 9/15/2021
Title: Turkey Vulture in front of blooming sunflowers
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 9/15/2021
Title: Late summer Turkey Vulture on a metal pipe
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 9/15/2021
Title: Adult House Wren perched on a rusty pipe
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/1/2021
Title: House Wren with a large feather
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 6/23/2021
Title: Adult House Wren with a feather for the nest
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 6/23/2021
Title: Nesting House Wren with a large feather
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 6/23/2021
Title: Adult House Wren bringing a feather to the nest
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 6/23/2021
Title: Green-tailed Towhee perched on a rusty metal pipe
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 6/23/2021
Title: Adult House Wren at the nest entrance
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 6/21/2021
Title: Adult House Wren on a rusty metal pipe
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 6/21/2021
Title: Adult House Wren looking up at the sky
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 6/21/2021
Title: Wet and bedraggled Red-tailed Hawk juvenile
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 7/4/2017