Title: Male Boat-tailed Grackle on a lake shore
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/9/2009
Title: Male Boat-tailed Grackle on a lake shore
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/9/2009
Title: Female Boat-tailed Grackle
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/9/2009
Title: Posing Great-tailed Grackle
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/9/2009
Title: Common Gallinule wing lift
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/9/2009
Title: Sora at Lake Carillon in Pinellas County
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 5/9/2009
Title: Female Anhinga with open beak
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 4/18/2009
Title: Portrait of an Anhinga female
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 4/18/2009
Title: Lance-leaved Arrowhead and a Honey Bee
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, FL
Date: 4/18/2009
Native, aquatic
Title: Male Anhinga portrait
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 4/18/2009
Title: Female Anhinga portrait
Location: Lake Carillon, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 4/18/2009