Title: Urban Pied-billed Grebe from a distance
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 1/27/2024
Title: Urban Pied-billed Grebe from a distance
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 1/27/2024
Title: Adult Barred Owl from a distance
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 6/23/2023
Title: Common Loon looking at something in the distance
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 4/6/2023
Title: Female American Kestrel gazing off into the distance
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 1/12/2023
Title: Short-eared Owl adult from a distance
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 6/12/2018
Title: Sub-adult dark morph Swainson’s Hawk from a distance
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/1/2017