Title: Young Lark Sparrow on a jackleg fence
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/30/2022
Title: Young Lark Sparrow on a jackleg fence
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/30/2022
Title: Adult Lark Sparrow on a breezy morning
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 5/13/2022
Title: Spring Lark Sparrow perched on a metal post
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 5/13/2022
Title: Singing adult Lark Sparrow in the West Desert
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 5/13/2022
Title: Spring Lark Sparrow perched on a juniper
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 5/13/2022
Title: Lark Sparrow adult in golden light
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 6/2/2021
Title: Lark Sparrow with nesting materials in its bill
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 5/19/2021
Title: Lark Sparrow adult gathering nesting materials
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 5/19/2021
Title: Lark Sparrow perched on a fence with nesting material
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 5/19/2021
Title: Spring adult Lark Sparrow on a barbed wire fence
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 5/19/2021
Title: Immature Lark Sparrow in a mountain canyon
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/5/2018
Title: Lark Sparrow with droopy wings
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 7/19/2018
Title: Lark Sparrow on a bright boulder
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/24/2017
Title: Lark Sparrow against a blue sky
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/24/2017
Title: Lark Sparrow on a Tintic Quartzite boulder
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/24/2017
Title: Lark Sparrow resting on a post
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/24/2017
Title: Perky Lark Sparrow on a post
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/24/2017
Title: Perched adult Lark Sparrow in Box Elder County
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/9/2017
Title: Lark Sparrow in a light breeze
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/9/2017
Title: Adult Lark Sparrow singing on a wooden fence post
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/9/2017
Title: Lark Sparrow perched on a old fence post in northern Utah
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/9/2017
Title: Singing Lark Sparrow in northern Utah
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/9/2017
Title: Lark Sparrow singing in Box Elder County
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/9/2017
Title: Lark Sparrow with an ant
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/22/2016
Title: Lark Sparrow on a boulder
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 5/10/2016
Title: Landing juvenile Lark Sparrow
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 7/25/2015
Title: An Adult Lark Sparrow with prey
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 7/7/2015
Title: Adult Lark Sparrow
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 4/27/2015