Title: White-tailed Deer doe being chased to the edge of the road
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: White-tailed Deer doe being chased to the edge of the road
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 11/26/2024
Title: Immature Pied-billed Grebe being chased
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 11/25/2023
Title: Scooting Coot being chased
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 11/14/2023
Title: Common Loon adult being chased
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 4/14/2023
Title: Intruding male Common Goldeneye moving quickly away from being chased off
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 1/13/2020
Title: Drake Common Goldeneye being chased by another drake
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 1/13/2020
Title: Drake Common Goldeneye being chased
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
Date: 12/14/2017
Title: Pied-billed Grebe about to be chased
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 12/26/2016