Title: Bright-eyed Chukar
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 2/22/2015
Title: Bright-eyed Chukar
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 2/22/2015
Title: Adult Chukar standing on top of snow
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 1/31/2013
Title: Chukar fluffed up against the cold
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 1/9/2013
Title: Chukar warming up in the morning light
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 1/9/2013
Title: Chukar chick on Antelope Island
Location: Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah
Date: 6/22/2012