Pine Siskin Images, Facts and Information:
Carduelis pinus
- Pine Siskins are small finches with brown streaked bodies with small patches of yellow and two white wing bars, their tails are notched, bills are slender and pointy. Sexes are similar.
- Pine Siskins are migratory and irruptive. Irruptive meaning that they make unpredictable movements during the winter into southern and eastern North America and can be found in large numbers during those periods.
- Pine Siskins during the nesting season prefer coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, woodlands, brushy pastures, meadows, thickets and even suburban parks. During the breeding season they can be found in Alaska, across the southern parts of Canada, California, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, from Washington state east to the Great Lakes region and into New England.
- Pine Siskins eat seeds of conifers, thistles, weed seeds, forbs, buds, spiders and insects. Pine Siskins can store seeds in the amount of 10% of their body weight to consume during the cold winter nights.
- Pine Siskins lay 3 to 5 eggs which hatch in about 13 days. The females incubates and they are monogamous.
- A group of finches can be called a “company”, “trembling” and “charm” of finches.
- Pine Siskins can live 8 years or more.
I hope you enjoy viewing my Pine Siskin photos.
Pine Siskin feeding on Musk Thistle
Title: Pine Siskin feeding on Musk Thistle
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/15/2018
Pine Siskin close up
Title: Pine Siskin close up
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/6/2018
Pine Siskin on a Musk Thistle
Title: Pine Siskin on a Musk Thistle
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 8/6/2018
Pine Siskin perched in a sumac in the fall
Title: Pine Siskin perched in a sumac in the fall
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 10/15/2017
Damp Pine Siskin at a freshwater spring
Title: Damp Pine Siskin at a freshwater spring
Location: Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 10/15/2017
Pine Siskin taking a break from eating sunflower seeds
Title: Pine Siskin taking a break from eating sunflower seeds
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 9/23/2015
Pine Siskins in Autumn
Title: Pine Siskins in Autumn
Location: Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, Utah
Date: 9/23/2015
Pine Siskin in Clark County, Idaho
Title: Pine Siskin in Clark County, Idaho
Location: Targhee National Forest, Clark County, Idaho
Date: 5/29/2014
Pine Siskin feeding
Title: Pine Siskin feeding
Location: Ashley National Forest, Summit County, Utah
Date: 8/11/2009