On The Wing Photography contains blog posts with my photos plus the authentic stories behind my images. My site showcases some of my best images from top locations in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Utah and more.
I am a female photographer and nature writer who travels often to find birds and wildlife.
Wander with me on my photographic journeys via my daily posts and feel free to look through my photo galleries.
Life is good!
On The Wing Photography contains blog posts with my photos plus the authentic stories behind my images. My site showcases some of my best images from top locations in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Utah and more.
Additionally, you can visit my extensive photo galleries which contain more than 10,000 images of birds, wildlife, flowers, and trees along with images of the incredible landscapes I visit.
My dream for my site was to be unique and my real life experiences in the field certainly are. I am a female photographer and nature writer who travels often to find birds and wildlife.
Wander with me on my photographic journeys via my daily posts and feel free to look through my photo galleries.
Life is good!
The Stories Behind My Images
Female Eastern Bluebird Eating Snow
When the sleet, ice, and snow stopped falling two days ago, I was outside photographing birds when I took photos of this female Eastern Bluebird eating snow.
Winter Male Purple Finch Images Plus A Fun Bonus Photo
After the sleet, ice, and snow from the recent winter storm, I was thrilled to have a Purple Finch in my viewfinder for a bit—even though it was bitter cold.
Winter Carolina Wren Memorable Moment
During a mixed ice-and-snow storm yesterday afternoon, I had a memorable moment with a Carolina Wren—one I'll probably think about for the rest of my life.
Two Wintertime Views At Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
I spent the morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge yesterday, and I have to say, the sunrise was simply glorious. It was pretty cold, too.
Young Male Northern Harrier Lifting Off
I honestly don’t know why I’ve never shared this photo of a young male Northern Harrier lifting off from the ground at Farmington Bay WMA in Utah until now.
Amber Snail at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
I've been meaning to share this Amber Snail photo since last summer. Today’s as good a day as any, so here it is. Pretty sure it’s an Amber Snail—though I could be wrong.
The Stories Behind My Images
Male House Finch In A February Arkansas Snowstorm
Before spring arrives, I wanted to share one more snowy male House Finch photo—he perched on a birdbath during a February snowstorm here in Arkansas.
Checkered White Butterfly On A Black-eyed Susan In Oklahoma
It isn’t really spring yet, but I’ve already seen a bee, flies, moths, and butterflies. They reminded me of this Checkered White butterfly I photographed last year.
American Bison For World Wildlife Day 2025
World Wildlife Day 2025 is a reminder that all wildlife matters. American Bison are a success story, but every species we save today will matter tomorrow.
Male Rough-legged Hawk Surveying The Foothills Of The Stansbury Mountains
It's been four years since I photographed this gorgeous male Rough-legged Hawk as he surveyed the foothills of the Stansbury Mountains in Utah's West Desert.