On The Wing Photography contains blog posts with my photos plus the authentic stories behind my images. My site showcases some of my best images from top locations in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Utah and more.
I am a female photographer and nature writer who travels often to find birds and wildlife.
Wander with me on my photographic journeys via my daily posts and feel free to look through my photo galleries.
Life is good!
On The Wing Photography contains blog posts with my photos plus the authentic stories behind my images. My site showcases some of my best images from top locations in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Utah and more.
Additionally, you can visit my extensive photo galleries which contain more than 10,000 images of birds, wildlife, flowers, and trees along with images of the incredible landscapes I visit.
My dream for my site was to be unique and my real life experiences in the field certainly are. I am a female photographer and nature writer who travels often to find birds and wildlife.
Wander with me on my photographic journeys via my daily posts and feel free to look through my photo galleries.
Life is good!
The Stories Behind My Images
Frosty White-tailed Deer Doe
Just before I photographed a winter Bobcat four days ago at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I also took photos of a frosty White-tailed Deer doe in the same spot.
Eureka! Ross’s Goose Photos
Three days ago, I was more than delighted to photograph a Ross’s Goose at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in between photographing a young Sandhill Crane.
An Immature Sandhill Crane Visits Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
Two days ago, I was lucky enough to photograph an uncommon visitor to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge—an immature Sandhill Crane I spotted in a field.
Winter Bobcat After Daybreak With Deer
When a frosty morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma starts with a Bobcat and deer nearby, you just know it’s going to be an awesome day!
Female Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco And Snow
I wanted to share this image of a female Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco today because I couldn't resist the soft, innocent look she had after the recent snow.
Winter Male American Goldfinch
This male American Goldfinch caught my eye after the recent snowstorm here in Arkansas. Why? Because he's starting to molt into his breeding plumage.
The Stories Behind My Images
Snowy Egret Photos Plus A Poop Shot
This morning, I'm sharing three Snowy Egret photos—two because I like them, and the last one because it makes me laugh out loud.
Baird’s Pocket Gopher In Arkansas
These photos of a Baird's Pocket Gopher mark only the second time I've had this rodent species in my viewfinder—once in Oklahoma and now in Arkansas.
Nearly Hidden Great Horned Owl At Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
Late last month, while at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I spotted a nearly hidden Great Horned Owl perched in a tangle of branches in the woods.
Two Views Of The Lower Scarborough Slough Beaver Lodge
This morning I'm sharing two different views of a beaver lodge on Lower Scarborough Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.