On The Wing Photography contains blog posts with my photos plus the authentic stories behind my images. My site showcases some of my best images from top locations in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Utah and more.
I am a female photographer and nature writer who travels often to find birds and wildlife.
Wander with me on my photographic journeys via my daily posts and feel free to look through my photo galleries.
Life is good!
On The Wing Photography contains blog posts with my photos plus the authentic stories behind my images. My site showcases some of my best images from top locations in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Utah and more.
Additionally, you can visit my extensive photo galleries which contain more than 10,000 images of birds, wildlife, flowers, and trees along with images of the incredible landscapes I visit.
My dream for my site was to be unique and my real life experiences in the field certainly are. I am a female photographer and nature writer who travels often to find birds and wildlife.
Wander with me on my photographic journeys via my daily posts and feel free to look through my photo galleries.
Life is good!
The Stories Behind My Images
American Snout Butterfly Lifer
Just a quick post about my American Snout butterfly lifer taken in my friend Steve Creek's garden in Arkansas. This is my first photo of this butterfly species.
Spring Female and Male Downy Woodpecker Images
It started off rainy yesterday morning, but later on, I was delighted to take images of female and male Downy Woodpeckers from the comfort of Steve's deck.
Baby Eastern Bluebird Images From The Day They Fledged
In my post yesterday I mentioned that three of the Eastern Bluebird chicks left their nest box in my friend Steve's yard. Today I am sharing two photos of them.
Mama Eastern Bluebird Is No More
Steve and I have some sad news today: the mama Eastern Bluebird at Steve's nest box is no more. The last time we saw her at the nest box was Sunday evening.
What The Fluff? Great Egret Photos
I took this Great Egret photo yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Even with the morning mist, I could tell something fluffy was stuck on its bill.
Blue Jay Portrait With A Glowing Background
There are times when I take a photo, upload it to my computer, open it to view it on my screen, and my breath gets taken away. This Blue Jay portrait did that.
The Stories Behind My Images
Common Eastern Velvet Ant Images
Yesterday, I took Common Eastern Velvet Ant images in Steve Creek's yard after seeing one of them on what I believe are Dusty Miller plants in his garden.
Young Northern Cardinal Photos From Summer
After I shared images of an immature Tufted Titmouse yesterday, I realized I hadn't yet shared photos of this young Northern Cardinal, taken earlier in July.
Hatch Year Tufted Titmouse On Driftwood
Sometimes I share photos here because they are simply so stinking cute. This hatch year Tufted Titmouse clinging to driftwood fits that reasoning perfectly.
Gray Treefrog On A Lotus Leaf
This morning I am sharing a simple photo of an adult Gray Treefrog on a lotus leaf taken at Sequoyah NWR. Or is it so simple? Maybe it is more complex.