On The Wing Photography contains blog posts with my photos plus the authentic stories behind my images. My site showcases some of my best images from top locations in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Utah and more.
I am a female photographer and nature writer who travels often to find birds and wildlife.
Wander with me on my photographic journeys via my daily posts and feel free to look through my photo galleries.
Life is good!
On The Wing Photography contains blog posts with my photos plus the authentic stories behind my images. My site showcases some of my best images from top locations in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Utah and more.
Additionally, you can visit my extensive photo galleries which contain more than 10,000 images of birds, wildlife, flowers, and trees along with images of the incredible landscapes I visit.
My dream for my site was to be unique and my real life experiences in the field certainly are. I am a female photographer and nature writer who travels often to find birds and wildlife.
Wander with me on my photographic journeys via my daily posts and feel free to look through my photo galleries.
Life is good!
The Stories Behind My Images
Neotropic Cormorant At Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
I took these Neotropic Cormorant photos at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge in Grayson County, Texas two days ago. I was happy to see this cormorant species.
Male Northern Cardinal In An Oak Tree Images
Even though they are abundant in Arkansas and Oklahoma, I can't seem to see or take enough Northern Cardinal images. I sure missed them when I lived in Utah.
Singing Carolina Chickadee At Tishomingo NWR
Last week, when I photographed this Carolina Chickadee near Cumberland Pool at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, it was singing its little heart out.
Spring Eastern Kingbird Photos From Tishomingo NWR
Since my arrival in Oklahoma, I've had fun taking Eastern Kingbird photos at the Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. I've seen dozens of these kingbirds there.
Dickcissel Images From Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge
I've been enjoying taking photos of Dickcissels at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge since I arrived in Oklahoma. Hearing them sing has also been a joy.
Butterfly Photos From Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge
This morning, I wanted to share a few more things with wings: a set of butterfly photos I took recently at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
The Stories Behind My Images
Eulogy Air – My Photo As Cover Art
How my photo of a white feather floating on a pond became the cover art for the new single "Eulogy Air" by Run The Enemy, a British indie and Americana band.
Hatch year Red-bellied Woodpecker With Prey
After I photographed the Ruby-throated Hummingbird I shared yesterday, I focused on a hatch year Red-bellied Woodpecker with some kind of prey in their bill.
Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird In My Viewfinder
I finally have male Ruby-throated Hummingbird photos that I am happy with. It's about time, isn't it? He isn't a lifer; I've photographed this species before.
Young Eastern Bluebird Fledging Day
Yesterday morning, the Eastern Bluebird in Steve Creek's third brood fledged. We sat for hours on his deck, waiting for the one chick to leave the nest box.