Mississippi Kite Images

Mississippi Kite Images, Facts and Information:

Ictinia mississippiensis

  • Mississippi Kites are small, graceful raptors with a gray head and body, upperwings are gray with pale gray patches, and they have red eyes. Their wings are long and pointed, and their tails are long and black.
  • Mississippi Kites are migratory birds that breed in the southern United States and winter in South America.
  • Mississippi Kites prefer open areas with scattered trees. They often nest in tall trees near water sources.
  • Mississippi Kites feed primarily on insects, which they catch in mid-air. Their diet consists of cicadas, grasshoppers, beetles, and other large insects.
  • Mississippi Kites lay 2 to 4 eggs which hatch in about 30 days and care for the young. Both parents incubate and they are monogamous.
  • A group of Mississippi Kites can be called a “stooping”, “kettle”, “string”, or “spiral” of kites.
  • The oldest known Mississippi Kite lived for at least 12 years.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Mississippi Kite photos.