Midge Images, Facts and Information:
- Midges from the family Chironomidae are non-biting, two-winged flies that superficially resemble mosquitoes.
- Midges are harmless and are eaten by many birds.
- Male midges have feathery antennae.
- Midges are usually found near streams, ponds and marshes.
- Adult midges rarely feed on anything and if they do it is substances such as nectar. As adults they only live a few weeks.
Mia McPherson
Midge Tornadoes
Title: Midge Tornadoes
Location: Bear River National Wildlife Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/13/2011
Mia McPherson
Male Yellow-headed Blackbird with midges
Title: Male Yellow-headed Blackbird with midges
Location: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/13/2011
Mia McPherson
Clark’s Grebe with midges floating on the water
Title: Clark’s Grebe with midges floating on the water
Location: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 5/13/2011