House Sparrow Images, Facts and Information:
Passer domesticus
- House Sparrows have black-streaked and brown upperparts and pale gray underparts, cheeks and crowns are pale gray, throats of males in breeding plumage are black. Females lack the black throat and are pale brown-gray overall.
- House Sparrows are medium sized, stocky members of the finch family from the Old World. They are invasive and can present problems for native bird species.
- House Sparrows are non-migratory.
- House Sparrow eats grains, weed seeds, fruits, and insects.
- House Sparrows can be found throughout North America and are quite common. They are easily found in cities, towns and agricultural areas.
- House Sparrows lay 3 to 7 eggs which hatch in 10 to 14 days. Both sexes incubate and while most are monogamous some are promiscuous.
- Groups of House Sparrows are called a “blight” and “humiliation”.
I hope you enjoy viewing my House Sparrow photos.
Male House Sparrow perched on a bluebird nest box
Title: Male House Sparrow perched on a bluebird nest box
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 5/4/2024
Calling male House Sparrow
Title: Calling male House Sparrow
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 5/4/2024
Male House Sparrow looking up at the sky
Title: Male House Sparrow looking up at the sky
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 5/4/2024
Male House Sparrow perched on a vine
Title: Male House Sparrow perched on a vine
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 5/4/2024
House Sparrow male perched on a vine
Title: House Sparrow male perched on a vine
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 5/4/2024
Male House Sparrow stink eye
Title: Male House Sparrow stink eye
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 5/4/2024
House Sparrow male on a driftwood perch
Title: House Sparrow male on a driftwood perch
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 5/4/2024
Male House Sparrow on the rocks
Title: Male House Sparrow on the rocks
Location: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 10/30/2023
Young House Sparrows having a spat
Title: Young House Sparrows having a spat
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 6/29/2023
Young House Sparrow in golden morning light
Title: Young House Sparrow in golden morning light
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 6/29/2023
Young House Sparrow in Sebastian County, Arkansas
Title: Young House Sparrow in Sebastian County, Arkansas
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 6/29/2023
Male House Sparrow on a driftwood perch
Title: Male House Sparrow on a driftwood perch
Location: Sebastian County, Arkansas
Date: 6/25/2023
Perched male House Sparrow
Title: Perched male House Sparrow
Location: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 4/12/2017
Male House Sparrow perched in a bush
Title: Male House Sparrow perched in a bush
Location: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah
Date: 11/8/2015