Harris's Sparrow Images

Harris’s Sparrow Images, Facts and Information:

Zonotrichia querula

  • Harris’s Sparrows are large sparrows with black faces, black throats, black crowns, pink bills, white bellies, and brown streaked backs and wings. Males are slightly larger than females. Immature birds have brown striped heads instead of black.
  • Harris’s Sparrows are migratory. Harris’s Sparrows breed exclusively in northern Canada, some populations breed into the forest-tundra ecotone. Some migratory populations winter in the central United States, from South Dakota to Texas.
  • Harris’s Sparrows prefer coniferous forests and adjacent scrubs during breeding season. In winter, they frequent thickets, woodland edges, brushy fields, hedgerows, and shrubby areas near streams.
  • Harris’s Sparrows eat fruits, seeds, millet, milo, cracked corn, and black-oil sunflower seeds and insects.
  • Harris’s Sparrows lay 3 to 5 eggs which hatch in 13 to 14 days. The females incubate and they are monogamous.
  • Harris’s Sparrows are often called “Hooded Sparrows”.
  • A group of sparrows can be called a “host”, “quarrel”, or “flutter” of sparrows.
  • The oldest known Harris’s Sparrow was 11 years old.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Harris’s Sparrow photos.