Gray Treefrog Images

Gray Treefrog Images, Facts and Information:

Hyla versicolor

  • Gray Treefrogs are small amphibians with rough, warty skin that can change color from gray to green or brown.
  • Gray Treefrogs are found in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. They range from northern Florida to central Texas in the south, and north to central Maine and southeastern Manitoba.
  • Gray Treefrogs inhabit a variety of wooded areas including deciduous and mixed forests, swamps, and suburban areas with trees. They are often found near water sources but can live in drier areas.
  • Gray Treefrogs eat a variety of small insects and arthropods, including flies, moths, crickets, and spiders.
  • Gray Treefrogs lay 1000 to 2000 eggs in small clusters attached to aquatic vegetation. The eggs hatch in 3 to 7 days, and tadpoles metamorphose in 45 to 65 days.
  • Gray Treefrogs are actually a species complex consisting of two nearly identical species: Cope’s Gray Treefrog and Eastern Gray Treefrog.
  • A group of frogs can be called an “army”, “colony”, or “knot” of frogs.
  • The lifespan of Gray Treefrogs in the wild is typically 7 to 9 years.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Gray Treefrog photos.