Fox Sparrow Images

Fox Sparrow Images, Facts and Information:

Passerella iliaca

  • Fox Sparrows are large, chunky sparrows with rounded heads, stout bills, and medium-length tails. Fox Sparrows have four main groups that can range from foxy red to gray to dark brown.
  • Fox Sparrows are migratory. They breed across northern Canada, Alaska, and western North America, wintering in the southern United States and along the Pacific coast.
  • Fox Sparrows inhabit dense thickets, brushy areas, forest edges, woodland clearings, and chaparral. During winter, they can be found in similar habitats, including well-vegetated suburbs and parks.
  • Fox Sparrows are omnivorous, eating seeds, insects, spiders, millipedes, small snails, and berries. They forage on the ground by double-scratching with both feet to uncover food in leaf litter.
  • Fox Sparrows lay 2 to 5 eggs which hatch in 12 to 14 days. The female incubates the eggs, and both parents feed the nestlings.
  • Fox Sparrows are sometimes called “brush sparrows” due to their habitat preference.
  • A group of sparrows can be called a “host”, “quarrel”, or “flutter” of sparrows.
  • The oldest known Fox Sparrow was at least 10 years and 4 months old.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Fox Sparrow photos.