Flowers, shrubs and trees, seeds and leaves.
Long before I became a bird photographer one of my passions was photographing flowers whether they were cultivated or wild. Some of my first digital images taken with my Sony Mavica were of flowers and flowering shrubs and trees that I grew in my backyard. That seems so very long ago and many cameras ago too.
Some of these photos also include birds, animals, insects, spiders and bees that were on the plant, shrub, or tree when I photographed them.
Plants, trees, shrubs, bushes, and wildflowers that are native are noted as such below, introduced nonnatives are noted as nonnative. Garden variety and cultivated plants and flowers are not noted.
I hope that you enjoy viewing my photos of flowers, shrubs and tree photos.
Flatbud Prickly Poppy – Faded beauty
Title: Flatbud Prickly Poppy – Faded beauty
Location: West Desert, Tooele County, Utah
Date: 8/8/2022
Young Green-tailed Towhee posing in a serviceberry
Title: Young Green-tailed Towhee posing in a serviceberry
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/31/2022
Common Mullein close up
Title: Common Mullein close up
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/20/2022
Focusing on Blue Elderberry blooms
Title: Focusing on Blue Elderberry blooms
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/11/2022
Blue Elderberry blossoms in the Wasatch Mountains
Title: Blue Elderberry blossoms in the Wasatch Mountains
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/11/2022
Blooming Blue Elderberry close up
Title: Blooming Blue Elderberry close up
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/11/2022
Silvery Lupine blossom spike
Title: Silvery Lupine blossom spike
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Wild Rose and buds in the Wasatch Mountains
Title: Wild Rose and buds in the Wasatch Mountains
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Probably native Wood’s Rose
Musk Thistle blossom in Morgan County
Title: Musk Thistle blossom in Morgan County
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Spearleaf Arnica with bee
Title: Spearleaf Arnica with bee
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Native […]
Sticky Geraniums with dark beetles
Title: Sticky Geraniums with dark beetles
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Sticky Geraniums blooming in a ravine
Title: Sticky Geraniums blooming in a ravine
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Parsnipflower Buckwheat blossoms
Title: Parsnipflower Buckwheat blossoms
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Flowering Parsnipflower Buckwheat
Title: Flowering Parsnipflower Buckwheat
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Blooming Parsnipflower Buckwheat in Summit County
Title: Blooming Parsnipflower Buckwheat in Summit County
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Very pale Showy Milkweed in bloom
Title: Very pale Showy Milkweed in bloom
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Clump of Showy Milkweed flower buds
Title: Clump of Showy Milkweed flower buds
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Blooming Showy Milkweed with two ants
Title: Blooming Showy Milkweed with two ants
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Showy Milkweed bouquet
Title: Showy Milkweed bouquet
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022
Showy Milkweed with an ant on top
Title: Showy Milkweed with an ant on top
Location: Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, Utah
Date: 7/6/2022