Flowers, Shrubs and Tree Images

Flowers, Shrubs and Tree Images
Flowers, Shrubs and Tree Images

Flowers, shrubs and trees, seeds and leaves.

Long before I became a bird photographer one of my passions was photographing flowers whether they were cultivated or wild. Some of my first digital images taken with my Sony Mavica were of flowers and flowering shrubs and trees that I grew in my backyard. That seems so very long ago and many cameras ago too.

Some of these photos also include birds, animals, insects, spiders and bees that were on the plant, shrub, or tree when I photographed them.

Plants, trees, shrubs, bushes, and wildflowers that are native are noted as such below, introduced nonnatives are noted as nonnative. Garden variety and cultivated plants and flowers are not noted.

I hope that you enjoy viewing my photos of flowers, shrubs and tree photos.

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