Diamondback Watersnake Images, Facts and Information:
Nerodia rhombifer
- Diamondback Watersnakes are large, heavy-bodied snakes with keeled scales that give them a rough texture. Diamondback Watersnakes have a distinctive pattern of dark crossbands on a gray, brown or reddish-brown background, resembling the shape of diamonds. Their heads are large and distinct from the neck.
- Diamondback Watersnakes are found in the eastern United States, from New Jersey to the Florida Keys, and as far west as Illinois and Texas. They are semi-aquatic and live near rivers, lakes, marshes, swamps and other bodies of fresh water. Diamondback Watersnakes are excellent swimmers and often bask on branches or logs overhanging the water. They are found in both urban and rural areas.
- Diamondback Watersnakes eat fish, frogs, tadpoles, salamanders, small turtles and their eggs. They are non-venomous and constrict their prey before swallowing it whole.
- Females give birth to live young, with litters ranging from 10 to 40 snakes. The young are independent at birth and reach maturity in 2-3 years.
- Diamondback Watersnakes are known to live over 10 years in the wild.
I hope you enjoy viewing my Diamondback Watersnake photos.
Mia McPherson
Two sunning Diamondback Watersnakes
Title: Two sunning Diamondback Watersnakes
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 4/17/2024