My Daily Story Timeline
Every day, I write about the true stories behind my images and share them on my site. One day, I might write about birds; the next, about an insect; and the following day, I might focus on a specific location. Each of these stories revolves around nature, my connection to it, or my concerns about preserving our natural world. This daily journal primarily serves as a collection of factual accounts from my journeys in the field.
While my primary passion is for birds, since everything in nature is interconnected, I photograph everything and write about it all. My life has always been intertwined with nature, and I hope it always will be.
Best wishes,
Adult Willow Flycatcher Perched In A Serviceberry
Obtaining decent photos of Willow Flycatchers in the Wasatch Mountains has been harder and more challenging for me this year than last and there are a few reasons for that.
Male Lazuli Buntings Photographed In The Wasatch Mountains
Over the past week I have had the pleasure of photographing male Lazuli Buntings high in the Wasatch Mountains in several different settings.
Simple Mourning Dove Photos
Worldwide doves symbolize peace and I felt that I could use a little of that feeling this morning so I decided to share some Mourning Dove images I took two days ago in northern Utah.
Recently Fledged Red-tailed Hawks From Two Nests
I had a great time photographing three recently fledged Red-tailed Hawks from two different nests in northern Utah yesterday morning.
American Robin Fledglings Exploring Their Mountain Home
Three days ago I saw lots of young birds in the Wasatch Mountains east of where I live in Salt Lake City and among them were several American Robin fledglings.
Begging Fledgling Gray Catbird High In The Wasatch Mountains
When I saw a Gray Catbird fledgling inch its way up a stick two days ago and then exhibit begging behavior by raising its wings and opening its bill I locked on to it.
Yellow Warbler Fledglings Everywhere
There were several Yellow Warbler fledglings in this shrub and the adults were running themselves ragged trying to keep them all fed.
Great Blue Heron Standing In A Mountain Creek
When I found this Great Blue Heron standing on a rock surrounded by the fast moving waters of a mountain creek I knew I wanted photos of it.
Great Egret In Front Of Stormy Skies
One of the birds I found that summer morning was a Great Egret perched on a stump that the waves of the Gulf had deposited on the shore of the beach.
Male American Goldfinch – Sunlight And Shadows
The bright yellow bird that flew into my field of view was a male American Goldfinch that stood out like a ray of sunshine against the shadows of some tall nearby trees.
Adult Spotted Sandpiper Walking On An Exposed Creek Bed
I haven't seen any Spotted Sandpiper chicks so far this breeding season but that doesn't mean they haven't hatched yet.
Black-headed Grosbeak in the Wasatch Mountains
I was happy that I decided to photograph the striking Black-headed Grosbeak instead of the Downy Woodpecker that was at least forty feet in front of me.
Adult Male Belted Kingfisher With His Freshly Caught Fish
The male Belted Kingfisher had been perched and without warning dove into the water, caught a fish, returned to his perch, and ate it all within close proximity to where I sat in my Jeep.
Cedar Waxwings Plus A Singing Mystery Bird Revealed
As soon as I stopped my Jeep two Cedar Waxwings popped into view. The waxwings were close so I took portraits of them perched among the honeysuckles.
Adult MacGillivray’s Warblers With Food For Their Chicks
My best opportunities photographing the adult MacGillivray's Warblers with food for their young yesterday happened when the female popped into view with prey in her bill.
Yellow Warbler Female With Food For Her Chicks
The female Yellow Warbler often flew in, landed out in the open and then dove down to deliver the prey she had gathered to her chick that was hidden in the willows.
Muskrat In An Alpine Creek – Wildlife In The Wasatch Mountains
This spring I've been able to enjoy photographing a family of muskrats that live in a creek in the Wasatch Mountains and I expect I will also see them at least part way through the summer as well.
Cooler Weather Today In Northern Utah
I woke this morning and opened my living room window to the smell of rain in the air and even in the darkness I could see that the street was wet and I am okay with that, we need the moisture.
Least Chipmunk Eating A Serviceberry
Last week while I was up in the Wasatch Mountains photographing birds I had a Least Chipmunk pop into my view while it ate a serviceberry.
Crouching Sage Thrasher
I hoped the Sage Thrasher would come closer so that I could photograph it and just about the time the Short-eared Owl lifted off the thrasher popped up on a nearby metal post.
Curious Short-eared Owl Fledgling At Bear River MBR
I took quite a few photos of the fledgling Short-eared Owl that I had a clear view of and even though the lighting wasn't the best I was enchanted by the views I had of it.
Photographing Elk In The Wasatch Mountains
I had a spectacular morning yesterday high up in the Wasatch Mountains and among the highlights of the day was a herd of cow Elk moving down a hillside just before 9 o'clock.
Eastern Kingbird Perched On Pickleweed
One of the birds I was excited to see and photograph yesterday morning was an adult Eastern Kingbird perched on a pickleweed next to the road.
Black Henbane – Noxious Weeds In Utah
This plant is Black Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) and is also known as Henbane, Hog’s-bean, and Stinking Nightshade and is native to the Mediterranean.
Weidemeyer’s Admiral Butterflies In The Wasatch Mountains
Last week I was able to photograph Weidemeyer's Admiral butterflies up in the Wasatch Mountains on two consecutive days and the butterflies had me all aflutter.
Song Sparrow Adult With A Bill Full Of Prey For Its Young
Three days ago I found an adult Song Sparrow to photograph with its bill full of prey that the sparrow had gathered to feed its young.
Female Yellow Warbler Foraging In Sage
I don't see Yellow Warblers foraging in sage very often so I was thrilled to photograph an adult female as she poked around a clump of sagebrush in the Wasatch Mountains yesterday.
In My Viewfinder: Belted Kingfisher Male Up Close
It is always a thrill when birds fly in close to me and that is what happened yesterday with a handsome male Belted Kingfisher.
My First of Year Monarch Butterfly Sighting
I'm always happy to photograph "other things with wings" when I am out in the field so last week when I spotted my first of year Monarch butterfly I had to take a few photos of it.
Female Brown-headed Cowbird In A Serviceberry
Three days ago one of the birds that the Song Sparrows chased off was an adult female Brown-headed Cowbird that landed on a serviceberry in front of me.