My Daily Story Timeline
Every day, I write about the true stories behind my images and share them on my site. One day, I might write about birds; the next, about an insect; and the following day, I might focus on a specific location. Each of these stories revolves around nature, my connection to it, or my concerns about preserving our natural world. This daily journal primarily serves as a collection of factual accounts from my journeys in the field.
While my primary passion is for birds, since everything in nature is interconnected, I photograph everything and write about it all. My life has always been intertwined with nature, and I hope it always will be.
Best wishes,
Potpourri Of Ruby-crowned Kinglet Photos
This morning I wanted to share a potpourri of Ruby-crowned Kinglet photos because I adore seeing and photographing these quick moving, charismatic little birds.
Adult Sage Thrasher Regurgitating A Sumac Seed
Eleven days ago I photographed an adult Sage Thrasher regurgitating the seed of a sumac berry that was so close I could barely fit the thrasher in the frame.
Mountain Chickadee And Changing Seasons
When this Mountain Chickadee came into view it was hanging from a juniper bough with two Douglas Fir seeds in its bill it appeared to be looking around for a place to cache its food.
Photographing Late Summer Nashville Warblers
I parked next to a stand of willows to see what birds would come in and it wasn't long before I was busy photographing Nashville Warblers foraging for aphids on the leaves of the trees.
Male Spotted Towhees – One Immature And One Adult
Spotted Towhees are among the most colorful members of the sparrow family and I always enjoy photographing them on those occasions when they are out in the open.
Rock Squirrel Resting On A Lichen Encrusted Boulder
I spent the morning up in the Wasatch Mountains yesterday where one of the furry creatures I saw and photographed was a Rock Squirrel on a lichen encrusted boulder.
Hawk In The West Desert Perched In A Dead Juniper
I don't usually share photos where the main subject is facing away from me but I liked the alert pose of this raptor as it perched in the dead but distant juniper tree.
My First Desert Tarantula Sighting In Utah
I was so excited that I was shaking because the creature I had found was a Desert Tarantula which was my first sighting of one in Utah.
Adult Sage Thrasher Portrait In Box Elder County
I was busy photographing six species of sparrows when I noticed this adult Sage Thrasher pop up in a sumac bush that was close enough for me to take portraits of it.
Least Chipmunk Memory
I picked this photo of the two Least Chipmunks out of the many I had taken that morning because to me it feels like there is a touch of intimacy to it.
I’m Just Mad About Sparrows
I had a great time photographing all of the sparrow species I saw two days ago and I could have stayed with them all morning long. I might do just that later this week.
Focusing On Taking Immature Cooper’s Hawk Photos
The first bird I photographed yesterday morning was an immature Cooper's Hawk that I found because I spotted a Red-tailed Hawk on a cliff face that the young accipiter decided to harass.
Immature Chipping Sparrow In The Wasatch Mountains
A few days ago I was able to photograph an immature Chipping Sparrow that landed on a wire fence next to a dusty road in the Wasatch Mountains.
Molting Immature Green-tailed Towhee
Green-tailed Towhees that hatched this year undergo a molt on or near their natal breeding grounds prior to fall migration.
Two Black-capped Chickadee Photos From This Week
I'm happy to have had these two little Black-capped Chickadees in my viewfinder this week. I enjoy seeing, hearing, and photographing these perky primarily black and white birds.
Upside Down Nashville Warbler Foraging For Aphids
I wanted to share this particular image today and explain how I got this shot of an upside down male Nashville Warbler hanging on a willow branch while foraging for aphids.
Rare Veery In The Wasatch Mountains
I might just start believing that September 1st is my lucky day after seeing, photographing and identifying a rare Veery in the Wasatch Mountains yesterday.
Yellow Warbler And A Hawthorn
These bright Yellow Warblers are getting ready for their long, fall migrations and while I am happy to see that they seem to have had a successful breeding season it also felt a touch bittersweet to me.
Four Years Ago Today I Found A Rare Upland Sandpiper
Four years ago today stopping for a Golden Eagle perched on a power pole in Box Elder County would net me a rare Upland Sandpiper sighting because of the sandpiper's chattering call.
Willow Flycatcher And Thoughts About Fall Migration
I took forty-eight photos of this flycatcher three days ago as it watched for flying insects from its perch and I realized that these might be the last Willow Flycatcher photos that I take this year.
The Funniest Yellow Warbler Photo I Have Ever Taken
Two days ago near a creek in the Wasatch Mountains I took the funniest Yellow Warbler photo I have ever taken in all the years that I have been photographing birds.
Warbling Vireo High In The Wasatch Mountains
The surprise for me was that the Warbling Vireo decided to perch out in the open with a fairly clean background and that it stayed there for almost a minute.
Adult And Immature Cedar Waxwings High In The Wasatch Mountains
On August 10th I drove into the mountains for a quiet, relaxing morning and came away with quite a few bird photos I have yet to process.
Finally, Nashville Warbler Photos I Am Happy With
I was "over the moon" excited when I spotted an adult male Nashville Warbler out in the open at the top of a willow yesterday while up in the Wasatch Mountains.
Male Checkered White Butterflies On Thistles
A while back I came across some butterfly photos that I had taken on July 19, 2015 that I hadn't processed or identified so recently I went about finding out what species of butterfly I had photographed.
Molting House Wren
About two weeks ago I photographed a molting House Wren high in the Wasatch Mountains as it perched near a willow thicket.
In Every Sunset There Is A Promise And A Gift From Nature
Throughout my life I have liked to think that every sunset has a promise and a gift from Nature in it. The promise that the sun will rise again in the morning.
Immature Male Downy Woodpecker Close Up
A few weeks ago while up in the Wasatch Mountains I was able to see and photograph an immature male Downy Woodpecker as it foraged for food in willows and while clinging to a Common Mullein.
Common Sunflower, Great Basin Bumble Bee And Long-horned Bee At Bear River MBR
When I photographed this Common Sunflower I noticed the Great Basin Bumble Bee right away then I saw the other bee and what appears to be two midges on the upper left quadrant of the flower petals.
Barn Swallow Landing In The Wind
When this Barn Swallow came in to land it struggled a bit with the wind which is why its wings were raised to regain its balance in this image.