My Daily Story Timeline
Every day, I write about the true stories behind my images and share them on my site. One day, I might write about birds; the next, about an insect; and the following day, I might focus on a specific location. Each of these stories revolves around nature, my connection to it, or my concerns about preserving our natural world. This daily journal primarily serves as a collection of factual accounts from my journeys in the field.
While my primary passion is for birds, since everything in nature is interconnected, I photograph everything and write about it all. My life has always been intertwined with nature, and I hope it always will be.
Best wishes,
Other Things With Wings – Broad-headed Marsh Fly Photos
These Broad-headed Marsh Fly photos are twofers. I got the hoverflies and the blooming Common Sunflowers in the same frames.
Young Song Sparrow On A Bright Summer Morning
Last month I had a brief photo session with a young Song Sparrow near a creek in bright morning light high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Willet, Sunrise And The Gulf Of Mexico
When I look at this photo of a Willet in the waves of the Gulf of Mexico I can almost hear the sounds, taste the tang of salt in the air and feel the warm water on my skin.
Soothing Sounds of Birds From My Living Room Window
I like having my windows open so I can hear the sounds of birds when I can't be in the field. It helps me to hear them especially when the world is so crazy.
Was the Killing Of Bob The Sandhill Crane Really Necessary?
One of the other things that made me upset with Bob the Sandhill Crane being killed is that this could have been prevented.
Rufous Hummingbird For National Hummingbird Day
Today is National Hummingbird Day and I am celebrating by sharing some Rufous Hummingbird photos I took earlier this week on Antelope Island.
Western Honey Bee And Common Mullein Photos
Both Common Mullein and the Western Honey Bee are introduced, non-native species yet I can't resist photographing them when given the opportunity.
Late Summer White-lined Sphinx Moth Images
Of the hundreds of White-lined Sphinx moth photos I took two days ago I picked three to share today of the moth feeding on Rocky Mountain Bee Plant.
Rufous Hummingbird Plus Smoky Rising Sun Photos
Yesterday I went out to Antelope Island for the first time since April and I took hundreds of Rufous Hummingbird photos plus some of the rising sun.
Common Bugloss – Late Summer Wildflowers
I went looking for birds yesterday but my best photos were of a clump of Common Bugloss, an introduced wildflower, in bloom.
Our Sage Thrashers Will Migrate Soon
Sage Thrashers are only in Utah for their breeding season and by now all their chicks have fledged and are feeding on their own.
Underwing Moth in the Wasatch Mountains
Finding this stunning Underwing Moth high in the Wasatch Mountains was a bit of a surprise two days ago because of how I found it and the memories it brought back.
Black-capped Chickadee Photos – Foraging in Common Mulleins
Two days ago I was able to spend a few minutes taking Black-capped Chickadee photos as small flock of them foraged in Common Mulleins.
Western Wood-Pewee In The High Country
Yesterday I had just a few moments to focus on a young Western Wood-Pewee that showed up in front of a thicket of hawthorns in the mountains.
Summer Dragonflies And Butterflies At Bear River MBR
Today I am sharing some of the dragonflies and butterflies I've found at Bear River MBR in the summer.
Immature Common Yellowthroat In The Wasatch Mountains
I was thrilled to have an immature Common Yellowthroat out in the open and in my viewfinder two days ago high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Male Belted Kingfisher Plus A Rare Migrant Northern Waterthrush
If I hadn't been sitting exactly where I was at the time I was photographing the Belted Kingfisher I would have missed out on seeing this rare Northern Waterthrush.
Immature Lazuli Bunting – Look For The Gape
When I photographed this immature Lazuli Bunting three years ago today these images were eclipsed by me finding a rare Baltimore Oriole in the same area of the Wasatch Mountains.
Four Long-tailed Weasel Photos
I have shared photos of this Long-tailed Weasel before but I liked these four images that I hadn't edited and wanted to share them today.
I Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With C…
Do you remember playing I Spy when you were a child? I do.
Snowy Egret In Flight
The reports of snow in the mountains made me think of this Snowy Egret photo I took in August of 2017 with the Promontory Mountains in the background.
Great Blue Heron In The High Country
It has been a week now since I photographed this Great Blue Heron and have been able to get out into the field because of smoke, wind, fire, and rain.
Nesting Western Grebe Plus Good News On The Parleys Canyon Fire
One year ago today I found a nesting Western Grebe with two eggs at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and I realized yesterday that I had never shared photos of it.
Sharing Sunrise With A Greater Yellowlegs
When I lived in Florida it wasn't unusual for me to share sunrise alone with birds at the north beach of Fort De Soto. Thirteen years ago I did just that with a Greater Yellowlegs.
Roundleaf Snowberry Berries
Last week while I was up in the Wasatch Mountains I had the opportunity to take photos of Roundleaf Snowberry berries in between photographing birds.
Willow Flycatcher Plus Info On The Parleys Canyon Fire
I-80 runs east/west through Parleys Canyon and just after 1 pm a catalytic convertor ejected hot particles along the roadside which started the #ParleysCanyonFire.
Song Sparrow In Molt
Two days ago I photographed a molting Song Sparrow as it perched on an old wooden post high in a mountain canyon in beautiful morning light.
Blooming Common Sunflower With An Ant
I photographed some birds yesterday morning in the Wasatch Mountains but it was the blooming Common Sunflower with an ant that made me smile the most when I saw it on my screen.
Worn Adult Green-tailed Towhee – Breeding Season Can Be Rough On Their Feathers
After a week at home because of smoky skies I ventured into the mountains and one of the first birds I photographed was this worn looking Green-tailed Towhee.
Bank Swallow At Bear River MBR
This Bank Swallow photo feels like I took it a lifetime ago. It was taken on July 30, 2009 at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge shortly after I moved to Utah.