My Daily Story Timeline
Every day, I write about the true stories behind my images and share them on my site. One day, I might write about birds; the next, about an insect; and the following day, I might focus on a specific location. Each of these stories revolves around nature, my connection to it, or my concerns about preserving our natural world. This daily journal primarily serves as a collection of factual accounts from my journeys in the field.
While my primary passion is for birds, since everything in nature is interconnected, I photograph everything and write about it all. My life has always been intertwined with nature, and I hope it always will be.
Best wishes,
Winter Ring-billed Gull Images From Bear River MBR
One year ago tomorrow I was at Bear River MBR where I took these winter Ring-billed Gull images from the west side of the auto tour loop at the refuge.
Bald Eagle Photos On A Leaning Wooden Post Thru The Years
If you go to Bear River MBR during the winter chances are that you have or will see a Bald Eagle perched on this large wooden post at one time or another.
One Very Cooperative Male Rough-legged Hawk
For the second year in a row the first bird I photographed in the New Year was a Rough-legged Hawk and both were photographed at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
Canada Goose In Flight – My First Bird Sighting Of 2022
The first bird that I could positively identify seeing for 2022 was a Canada Goose flying away from my local pond yesterday morning.
Welcome 2022 – Time To Put The New Year Into Focus
As I sit here this morning wrapped in a blanket to ward off the morning chill I welcome 2022 and realize that it is time to put the New Year into focus.
The Tail End of 2021 – My Year End Report
As the tail end of 2021 comes to a close it seemed fitting that the last photo I took yesterday was the tail end of a Common Goldeneye on what might have been my last trip into the field this year.
Male Rough-legged Hawk – The First Bird I Photographed in 2021
The first bird I photographed in 2021 was this adult male Rough-legged Hawk perched above the wetlands at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
Black-tailed Jackrabbit On A Snowy Day
While looking back through some old winter photos I came across this Black-tailed Jackrabbit I photographed on a snowy day on Antelope Island.
Stretching Male American Kestrel In A Russian Olive
On the 3rd of December I spotted a small, colorful shape from a distance in a Russian Olive tree and knew immediately that I had found a male American Kestrel.
Ring-billed Gull Photos In Winter Whiteout Conditions
In December of 2019 I took quite a few Ring-billed Gull photos in whiteout conditions down at my local pond and loved the challenge that taking them presented.
Christmas Day Birds 2021
I did get out to find and photograph birds on Christmas Day at Farmington Bay WMA and then later in the morning I found more closer to home.
Christmas Day Bird Photos Through the Years
These are all birds I have photographed on Christmas Day through the years and all of them were photographed at Farmington Bay WMA.
Happy Holidays 2021 And A Story From Christmas Past
This Christmas Eve morning is so very different from the one I had in 1998. I was sitting at my computer that morning much the same as I am now but I lived in Virginia then and I was going through some rough times.
Great Egret, Mallards and Hooded and Common Mergansers On The Bear River
The Great Egret landed where I had views of Hooded and Common Mergansers and three Mallards resting on the ice on the Bear River.
Great Blue Heron Photos Taken on The Winter Solstice
To my delight I was able to take Great Blue Heron photos yesterday on the Winter Solstice that I found on the banks of the Bear River at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
Happy Winter Solstice 2021!
Happy Solstice and Yuletide! Hello Winter! Happy return to the light!
ABA Bird Of The Year 2022 – The Burrowing Owl!
It was announced yesterday that the Burrowing Owl is the 2022 ABA Bird of the Year! Burrowing Owls are small, long-legged, sandy-colored, charismatic owls with bright yellow eyes.
Immature Red-tailed Hawk Perched In Tree with Many Branches
It was a truly gloomy day when I spotted this immature Red-tailed Hawk perched in a tree with many branches at Farmington Bay last December.
American Barn Owl Covered In Hoar Frost
This Barn Owl covered in hoar frost was taken during my first full winter living in Utah and it was also the subject of my first blog post here on my site.
Male Rough-legged Hawk On A National Wildlife Refuge Sign
Nine days ago this Rough-legged Hawk resting on a National Wildlife sign in low light was the first hawk I spotted and photographed.
Loggerhead Shrike At Bear River MBR
On my last trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge I found this Loggerhead Shrike perched on a twig near the end of the auto tour loop.
Overnight Snow Storm In Northern Utah
I haven't been outside to measure the snow but I'd estimate that 6 to 8 inches have fallen already just by looking out my living room window.
Common Merganser In A Morning Mist
It was early in the morning when I photographed this immature Common Merganser in a morning mist almost five years ago at my local pond.
My Computer Is Up And Running But I am Frazzled
My post yesterday was about my computer not booting which messed up my morning post. Today my post is about getting my computer to boot yet I'm still feeling frazzled.
Computer Issues – What A Way To Start My Day
I woke up this morning and my computer doesn't want to boot.
California Gull After A Bath
I photographed this California Gull after it bathed almost a year ago at a small pond close to where I live in Salt Lake county on a cold afternoon.
Female Hooded Merganser Lifting Off From The Bear River
I spotted a single female Hooded Merganser on the Bear River two days ago and photographed her as she ran on top of the water to lift off.
Late Clark’s Grebe Plus A Rough-legged Hawk On A One Way Sign
Yesterday I found and pointed out a few birds at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge including a very late Clark's Grebe I spotted from the auto tour route.
Close Up Chukar On Fresh Snow
I came across this photo of an adult Chukar standing in top of fresh snow the other day and felt a pang of sadness.
Merlin On A Large Wooden Post At Bear River MBR
Last week I spotted a Merlin perched on a large wooden post way out in the marsh at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in northern Utah.