My Daily Story Timeline
Every day, I write about the true stories behind my images and share them on my site. One day, I might write about birds; the next, about an insect; and the following day, I might focus on a specific location. Each of these stories revolves around nature, my connection to it, or my concerns about preserving our natural world. This daily journal primarily serves as a collection of factual accounts from my journeys in the field.
While my primary passion is for birds, since everything in nature is interconnected, I photograph everything and write about it all. My life has always been intertwined with nature, and I hope it always will be.
Best wishes,
Male Black-chinned Hummingbird In Low Light
Yesterday morning I had a blast photographing a male Black-chinned Hummingbird high in the Wasatch Mountains even though the light was horrible.
Female Yellow Warbler Working On Her Nest
Last week I spent a few moments photographing a female Yellow Warbler working on building her nest high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Blooming Longleaf Phlox In The Wasatch Mountains
Earlier this month I found an area where Longleaf Phlox were blooming in the Wasatch Mountains and I just had to take a few photos of them.
Female Black-chinned Hummingbird Feeding On Honeysuckle
I took these female Black-chinned Hummingbird photos as she fed on the nectar of a honeysuckle last week high in the Wasatch Mountains near an alpine creek.
Female And Male Barn Swallow Photos
Last week while I was high in the Wasatch Mountains I was able to take female and male Barn Swallow photos as they perched on a fence next to a creek.
Spring Male Belted Kingfisher Portrait
I took my first of year male Belted Kingfisher portrait photos three days ago high in the Wasatch Mountains when this bird flew in close to me.
Green-tailed Towhee Singing From A Treetop
I was delighted to observe, hear and photograph a beautiful Green-tailed Towhee singing from a treetop two days ago high in the Wasatch Mountains.
West Desert Mourning Dove Images
This morning I am sharing three simple Mourning Dove images that I took two days ago out in the sky island mountains of Utah's West Desert.
Female Western Tanager Perched On A Juniper
Yesterday morning I spent time photographing a female Western Tanager perched on a juniper in a canyon out in the sky island mountains of the West Desert of Utah.
Woodland Coyote Watching Me Watching Him
While I photographed hummingbirds last week high in the Wasatch Mountains I also took images of an adult male woodland Coyote watching me watching him.
Photographing Two Yellow Warbler Nests
Yesterday morning I found not one but two Yellow Warbler nests high in the Wasatch Mountains because I paid attention to the movements of two female warblers.
Lark Sparrow Photos Taken In The West Desert
I haven't shared any of my recent Lark Sparrow photos this spring so I thought I would remedy that by sharing some that I took out in the West Desert nine days ago.
Cute Baby Uinta Ground Squirrel Images
Cute baby Uinta Ground Squirrel images have become a yearly tradition and desire for me and this week the babies were emerging from their burrows.
World Bee Day 2022
May 20th is World Bee Day and I am sharing a photo of two native bees this morning. The Great Basin Bumble Bee and the Long-horned Bee. Native bees are important pollinators.
Female Black-chinned Hummingbird With Honeysuckle
When I spotted this tiny female Black-chinned Hummingbird yesterday high in the Wasatch Mountains I hoped she'd begin to feed on some nearby honeysuckle.
Western Chokecherry Before Blooming
Last week I stopped to take photos of a Western Chokecherry because I could see that there were flower buds on it and I want to follow this chokecherry this year.
It’s A Special Day Here At On The Wing Photography
Today is special day here at On The Wing Photography because it marks my 4000th post AND it is also my Mom's 90th Birthday!
Spring Pine Siskin In Sagebrush
Yesterday I mentioned that a Pine Siskin chased away the Chipping Sparrow that I shared photos of. This is that Pine Siskin perched on another sage.
Spring Chipping Sparrow Images
Two days ago I had a Chipping Sparrow in breeding plumage perched on sage at the edge of a forest in my viewfinder for a few seconds.
Spring Male Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
I was thrilled to find and photograph a male Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in spring breeding plumage yesterday at the edge of a juniper woodland in Tooele County.
West Desert Mountain Bluebird
It is always lovely to have a male Mountain Bluebird like this one I found in the West Desert in my viewfinder because they rival the color of the sky overhead.
Ghost Moose With A Tick Infestation
Yesterday morning I was excited to spot a bull Moose bedded down and nearly hidden from view while I was up in Morgan County high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Gray Flycatcher And Memories Of Billy Fenimore
While I was out in the West Desert of Utah yesterday I thought about my friend Billy Fenimore and his family as I photographed this adult Gray Flycatcher.
My First Of Season Least Chipmunk Images
Two mornings ago I spotted a Least Chipmunk crawl up onto a rock and internally squealed with delight as I took my first of season images of the little fur ball.
Spring Yellow Warbler Photos
I had a bit of fun taking female and male Yellow Warbler photos yesterday in the high country of the Wasatch Mountain Range on a bright sunny morning.
Happy Mother’s Day 2022
I wanted to wish all moms a Happy Mother's Day with a wildflower that I see blooming at this time of year in northern Utah. This is a blooming Lewis's Flax.
Male Spotted Towhee In Morgan County
I had a few moments to photograph a singing male Spotted Towhee two days ago in Morgan County high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Yearling Mule Deer Buck In The Wasatch Mountains
I drove up into the Wasatch Mountains yesterday. My Jeep got pretty muddy and one highlight of my morning was when I photographed this yearling Mule Deer buck.
Spring Song Sparrow Gathering Nesting Materials
Towards the end of April I spent a few minutes photographing an adult Song Sparrow looking for and gathering nesting materials high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Male Northern Flicker Images
This morning I am sharing a few male Northern Flicker images that I took seven years ago at the edge of a mountain forest in the Targhee National Forest in Idaho.