My Daily Story Timeline
Every day, I write about the true stories behind my images and share them on my site. One day, I might write about birds; the next, about an insect; and the following day, I might focus on a specific location. Each of these stories revolves around nature, my connection to it, or my concerns about preserving our natural world. This daily journal primarily serves as a collection of factual accounts from my journeys in the field.
While my primary passion is for birds, since everything in nature is interconnected, I photograph everything and write about it all. My life has always been intertwined with nature, and I hope it always will be.
Best wishes,
Roadside Young Rock Squirrel
Almost two weeks ago I took a series of images of this young Rock Squirrel near its burrow next to a dusty dirt road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Cedar Waxwing In A Chokecherry
On a recent trip up into the Wasatch Mountains I had a cooperative Cedar Waxwing who was perched on a branch of a chokecherry tree with blue sky behind it.
Male Yellow Warbler In A Serviceberry
As I took these Yellow Warbler photos earlier this week in the mountains I realized that my time with these bright birds is coming to an end for the season.
Recent American Bullfrog Images
While I was at Farmington Bay WMA earlier this week I stopped at one of the ponds to photograph one close American Bullfrog that was looking my way.
Sandhill Crane Portraits
While up in the mountains yesterday morning I was thrilled to take a series of female and male Sandhill Crane portraits as they fed in a pasture next to the road.
Marsh Wren At Farmington Bay WMA
The first bird I photographed yesterday at Farmington Bay WMA yesterday was a curious Marsh Wren perched in a Greasewood bush that seemed to have an eye on me.
Great Blue Heron Catching Fish At Bear River MBR
On my last trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge I came across this Great Blue Heron and spent only one minute photographing the large wading bird.
Common Sunflower Photos
This morning I wanted to share my recent Common Sunflower photos from Bear River MBR and some of the insects that pollinate these native wildflowers.
Young Western Kingbird In The West Desert
While I was out exploring in the West Desert three days ago I spotted this young Western Kingbird perched on a barbed wire fence close to the road.
West Desert Great Basin Gopher Snake
Two days ago while out exploring the West Desert of Utah I was thrilled to come across a large Great Basin Gopher Snake warming itself on a dusty dirt road.
Warbling Vireo And Ripe Chokecherries
One of the birds that I photographed in Morgan County two days ago was this lovely Warbling Vireo perched alongside of ripe chokecherries. I was excited to see it.
Young Yellow-breasted Chat In Morgan County
Being in the right place at the right moment in time netted me these young Yellow-breasted Chat photos high in the Wasatch Mountains yesterday morning.
Young Killdeer At Bear River MBR
Yesterday morning I drove up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge where the second bird that I photographed was a young Killdeer in the early light of dawn.
Fading Flatbud Prickly Poppy
This morning I am keeping this fading Flatbud Prickly Poppy post short and sweet for two simple reasons.
Cedar Waxwing In Willows
This morning I am sharing a simple adult Cedar Waxwing photo that I took four days ago as I sat in my Jeep next to a creek high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Young And Scruffy Yellow-rumped Warbler
Earlier this week I spent a few moments focused on a scruffy young Yellow-rumped Warbler perched above a creek in the sky island mountains of the West Desert.
Least Chipmunk And Serviceberries
Warning: More cute Least Chipmunk photos ahead plus serviceberries high in the Wasatch Mountain Range. I just can't resist them and I don't want to.
Immature Bullock’s Oriole Photos From The Mountains
My last stop yesterday up in the Wasatch Mountains gave me great views and photos of this immature Bullock's Oriole perched in a serviceberry shrub.
Young Green-tailed Towhee In The Wasatch Mountains
On Sunday I was delighted when this damp young Green-tailed Towhee popped up on an old weathered stump out in the open for a few moments.
Black-throated Gray Warbler Images
This morning I am sharing two Black-throated Gray Warbler images that I took yesterday while exploring the canyons of sky island mountains in the West Desert.
Male American Goldfinch With Ripe Serviceberries
I was happy to have this male American Goldfinch perched with ripe serviceberries in front of him for a few moments yesterday high in the mountains.
Sage Thrasher In Riparian Habitat
Towards the end of last month I found a Sage Thrasher high in the mountains in riparian habitat which surprised me. A lot.
Immature Chipping Sparrow In The Mountains
I photographed my first of season immature Chipping Sparrow on my last trip into the mountains as it perched on a thin dead willow branch.
Least Chipmunk Family Photos
Two mornings ago I had an absolutely fantastic time photographing a Least Chipmunk family feeding, cuddling, grooming and playing high in the mountains.
Male Yellow Warbler In August
This morning I wanted to share three male Yellow Warbler photos that I took yesterday morning in a Morgan County canyon.
Willow Flycatcher Up Close – What Are Rictal Bristles?
On Sunday I had a wonderful opportunity to photograph an adult Willow Flycatcher up close when it landed very near my vehicle high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Adult Least Chipmunk Eating Breakfast
Last week I photographed this Least Chipmunk eating breakfast in bright morning light in a willow thicket high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Wasatch Mountain Range Sandhill Crane Images
Yesterday morning I spent ten minutes taking Sandhill Crane images high in the Wasatch Mountain Range after finding a pair of cranes next to an alpine creek.
Young Cedar Waxwing Photos
I found this young Cedar Waxwing in the remnants of a small aspen forest two days ago while I watched for other birds to come in to feed on ripe serviceberries.
Fledgling Gray Catbird Portraits
Yesterday morning while photographing a male Yellow Warbler I caught some movement with my peripheral vison and saw a young Gray Catbird very close to me.