Squirrel Appreciation Day 2023
Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day around the globe. Love them, or hate them, there is no denying that they are fun, fascinating, beguiling, fuzzy creatures!
Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day around the globe. Love them, or hate them, there is no denying that they are fun, fascinating, beguiling, fuzzy creatures!
This morning I am sharing some photos of the mammals I loved finding, seeing, photographing and having in my viewfinder in 2022.
I've had an uninvited guest in my bathroom since December 6th when I first found a female Bold Jumper spider on the wall. They are also called Bold Jumping Spiders.
After nearly 16 hours of outages on my site in the past 24 hours I am not feeling very humorous but still thought I'd share this funny Least Chipmunk butt shot.
At Farmington Bay WMA yesterday I saw and photographed two kinds of meadowhawk dragonflies including this Band-winged Meadowhawk resting on a boulder.
My best photos from yesterday's journey into the Wasatch Mountains weren't of birds; instead, they were of an American Badger I found along the side of the road.
On my most recent trip to the Wasatch Mountains, I relished the fall colors, a Ruffed Grouse, and a pair of cuddly Uinta Chipmunks.
Two days ago, I was searching for birds at Farmington Bay WMA when I noticed a dragonfly landing nearby and took a couple pictures of it.
While looking for birds at Farmington Bay WMA last week I spotted a Muskrat standing up in the marsh through an open area of vegetation.
Nowadays, I don't take as many photos of cultivated flowers, but in the fall, I can't help but take pictures of a sunflower field close to the nature center at Farmington Bay WMA.
I wanted to share this photo of a roadside Western Honey Bee in a Rubber Rabbitbrush this morning because when I look at it I think of fall.
This morning I am thrilled to share these Long-tailed Weasel photos taken on the last full day of summer at Farmington Bay WMA which are all thanks to a Rock Wren.
Earlier this week I did some West Desert wandering and while I was there I took some butterfly photos that clumps of blooming rabbitbrush had attracted.
This morning I wanted to share a few of my recent butterfly images taken in the marsh at Bear River MBR and high up in the Wasatch Mountains.
Last week while I was up in the Wasatch Mountains is saw some interesting Mule Deer doe behavior after I started to take images of two does and two fawns.
Almost two weeks ago I took a series of images of this young Rock Squirrel near its burrow next to a dusty dirt road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
While I was at Farmington Bay WMA earlier this week I stopped at one of the ponds to photograph one close American Bullfrog that was looking my way.
Two days ago while out exploring the West Desert of Utah I was thrilled to come across a large Great Basin Gopher Snake warming itself on a dusty dirt road.
Warning: More cute Least Chipmunk photos ahead plus serviceberries high in the Wasatch Mountain Range. I just can't resist them and I don't want to.
Two mornings ago I had an absolutely fantastic time photographing a Least Chipmunk family feeding, cuddling, grooming and playing high in the mountains.
Last week I photographed this Least Chipmunk eating breakfast in bright morning light in a willow thicket high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Last Friday I couldn't resist photographing a chunky Uinta Ground Squirrel I found standing next to a road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
I have struggled for the past four days trying to identify a bright green grasshopper nymph that I found on a Common Mullein up in the Wasatch Mountains.
Earlier this week my last subject of the morning was a female Eight-spotted Skimmer dragonfly that landed in front of me next to a creek in the mountains.
Yesterday morning while photographing bees on wildflowers I spotted a young Coyote walking towards a mountain creek through some grass and sagebrush.
The last time I was in the field I spotted a Least Chipmunk eating in a small ravine next to a road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
This creekside Mule Deer doe portrait was one of my favorite photos from my trip high into the Wasatch Mountains yesterday morning.
On the 26th of June I had a darner dragonfly land on a honeysuckle in front of me, that dragonfly was a California Darner.
This morning I'm sharing some adult Uinta Ground Squirrel photos that were taken high in the Wasatch Mountains over the past month that I like a lot.
When my trips to the field are slow bird-wise there is always something else to focus on. Earlier this week it was an Ornate Checkered Beetle on Sticky Purple Geraniums.