Loggerhead Shrikes and a few things that bug them
This morning while Antelope Island there was a Loggerhead Shrike perched on a dead branch that was near the north shoreline of the Great Salt Lake.
This morning while Antelope Island there was a Loggerhead Shrike perched on a dead branch that was near the north shoreline of the Great Salt Lake.
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is always a delight and I never know exactly what I might see when I am there which suits my spontaneous nature perfectly.
I had a fantastic time yesterday photographing an American Badger at its burrow with its prey and a couple of Long-tailed Weasels, both alive and dead.
I checked one of the items off of my bucket list yesterday morning when I spent time photographing, observing and being surrounded by a herd of wild Horses.
There are some images that I like just because I find them funny and this American Bison bull photo taken on Antelope Island State Park is one of those.
American Bison calving season on Antelope Island State Park begins around mid-April and yesterday I was able to get some nice images of the cows and their rusty red colored calves.
It is Earth Day and I wanted to write about it this morning. A LOT of good has come from everyone's involvement in Earth Day but there is still so much to be done.
These Coyote portraits were created yesterday morning after finding the Coyote hunting voles along the causeway to Antelope Island State Park.
On my last visit to Antelope Island State Park five days ago I noticed that some of the wildflowers have started to bloom including Gray's Biscuitroot and Redstem Filaree.
Long ago in a subtropical clime with plenty of heat, humidity and the occasional hurricane I used to photograph with a small point and shoot camera from Canon and had great fun doing it.
Antelope Island State Park in northern Utah is a place where the "Buffalo" still roam unfettered by fences in a wild and majestic location.
This Coyote image always makes me smile. It was taken in early March of 2010 as the Great Salt Lake began to thaw and there was a hint of spring in the air.
Starting the day photographing Coyotes always makes me want to howl with delight. They are amazing adaptable creatures who help to keep nature in balance.
I don't see Sun Dogs all that often in the warmer months; though they do occur all year long, but I do see them quite often during the winter and when I can I like to take images of them.
It has been quite some time since I have photographed Pronghorn on Antelope Island State Park because it seems that the Pronghorn have kept mostly to the west and south sides of the island this winter.
There are times when one subject will make my day in the field worthwhile, yesterday it was a lone Coyote hunting for voles on the shoreline of the Great Salt Lake.
What do you mean it is only Thursday?
All of the snow we have now reminded me of being on Antelope Island State Park last January and photographing birds and Coyotes in near whiteout conditions.
I like this atypical Mule Deer because he isn't typical instead he is different, he stands out.
I love to get images of the American Bison and the Great Salt Lake in the same frame especially if there are mountains in the background so I was happy to get the snow covered Wasatch Mountains and the Great Salt Lake in this image
Yesterday I heard Coyotes calling on Antelope Island State Park, it has been a while since I heard the Song Dogs singing so I was thrilled to hear them.
The Yellow-bellied Marmots are already in their burrows for the winter but with any luck I will see more this coming spring.
More environmental studies are needed before these lands in the San Rafael Swell are leased, before a well is drilled. Before it is too late to save a species from extinction.
Yep, the Bison is ticked off because I didn't give him the honor he was due. Now I guess I have stepped in Bison pooh.
First, I want to admit something. I don't think spiders are creepy or crawly. They do crawl at times but I think they are beautiful creatures.
While looking for Rough-legged Hawks last year I spotted this Coyote strolling along the causeway to Antelope Island looking for falcon leftovers.
And it won't be long before I am photographing wildlife in drifts of snow and birds on perches covered in white.
These developers are scum and Google needs to step up to the plate and make sure the apps have legitimate licenses for the images in the apps or disallow the thieves from ever putting them on Google Play.
A Coyote's life isn't easy during the harsh winters of Utah but Coyotes that don't live on Antelope Island State Park have it even rougher
This is a female Golden-silk Spider I photographed way back in September of 2007 while wandering Arrow Head Trail at Fort De Soto County Park.