Juvenile Western Meadowlark and the Great Salt Lake
I have already seen Sage Thrasher chicks on Antelope Island State Park and I suspect it won't be long before I see juvenile Western Meadowlarks learning how to fly and feed on their own.
I have already seen Sage Thrasher chicks on Antelope Island State Park and I suspect it won't be long before I see juvenile Western Meadowlarks learning how to fly and feed on their own.
After a few rainy days last week I was able to go to Antelope Island State Park and photograph this Desert Cottontail nibbling on dew laden grasses.
The Moose were plentiful on my trip to Montana and Idaho, I think I saw 10 of them including these two that were near Modoc Creek, Idaho.
I saw two Coyotes right after arriving on Antelope Island yesterday that were bathed in the soft light of dawn, I can't resist taking images of the beautiful "Song Dogs" that I see and I couldn't resist this pair.
One thing I know for certain is that we can't drink dust.
This Black-tailed Jackrabbit was near the first one and as I photographed it I realized that its eye color was odd because they are much paler and has a slight greenish hue to them.
I don't have as many Black-tailed Jackrabbit images as I would like, I need to change that.
I've been pretty busy lately and one of the projects that has kept me burning the midnight oil is moving my images from the old galleries to my new ones.
Once upon a time I paid more attention to wildflowers and insects and photographed them extensively when I had the chance so today I thought I would resurrect one of my old files.
The White-tailed Prairie Dogs I saw and photographed last week in Wayne County, Utah seemed more active in the evening than mornings.
Greater Sage-Grouse and White-tailed Prairie Dogs
Looking at this bull's eye made me think of how long bison have been roaming the planet and how we almost pushed them to extinction.
Last week while looking for birds on Antelope Island I was fortunate to watch and photograph two young Bison fighting by butting heads.
For the most part yesterday I photographed the furry animals of Antelope Island State Park starting off with a pack of three coyotes just waking up from the night with golden light shining on them.
Last month I photographed this coyote out on the mudflats and I recall wondering if it was the young coyote I photographed in August of 2013 all grown up.
Yesterday the sun was shining on Antelope Island unlike the stormy day before and there were birds and animals to photograph much to my delight.
It never, ever fails that when I have an opportunity to photograph Golden Eagles something always goes wrong.
This isn't just just a Henry Mountain Range issue, it is a Utah issue. It is an issue where ever there are Coyotes, cattle, rabbits, hares and voles.
Yesterday was a Coyote kind of day for me seeing two Coyotes fight, a pair chase off an intruding Coyote and another pair with an intruding Coyote following them.
Even when the light is cruddy I can't resist taking images of Coyotes no matter where I spot them.
Watching this Pronghorn sniffing the ground and chasing another buck in the area was fascinating to me.
Every once in a while though the winter sun would penetrate through the fog and it was during one of those moments that I photographed this frost-covered Bison bull as it rested in the grasses.
Yesterday I had a three Coyote day on the causeway to Antelope Island State Park, one was by itself and the other two were traveling together.
This isn't hunting, not the kind I grew up respecting where the hunters provided food for their families, this is killing for nothing more than the sake of killing.
I spent the yesterday morning photographing with two great friends at Antelope Island State Park and Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area and had a wonderful time.
Raising the glass attached to my camera that is! I'm excited about the photographic opportunities that will present themselves in 2015.
Yesterday was another interesting day on Antelope Island seeing snow-covered Bison, snowy weather, birds and spotting Coyotes at a Mule Deer carcass.
Yesterday morning started out gray and cloudy on Antelope Island and I photographed a few Bison bulls grazing and charging each other.
It has been a while since I have seen Pronghorn on Antelope Island State Park close enough to photograph so I was delighted when they were within my focal range.
I can't help but feel sad that we haven't had and good snow here in the Salt Lake Valley yet this year so I went hunting for a snowy Coyote image.