American Bison For World Wildlife Day 2025
World Wildlife Day 2025 is a reminder that all wildlife matters. American Bison are a success story, but every species we save today will matter tomorrow.
World Wildlife Day 2025 is a reminder that all wildlife matters. American Bison are a success story, but every species we save today will matter tomorrow.
The cloudy weather the past couple days gave me time to go through images I meant to share—like these googly eyes on a bathroom sign I took on New Year's Day.
This morning, I'm writing about rechargeable hand warmers that I recently purchased because, during the winter, my hands get especially cold due to Raynaud's syndrome.
I decided not to do a Year in Review for 2024, but I still want to wish everyone a Happy New Year's Day for 2025. I wonder what this year will bring.
I couldn't resist photographing this fungi yesterday morning. I had noticed it beginning to grow out of the soil the night before. My camera was ready at dawn.
The theme for today is blue subjects: Photos of a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on a driftwood perch, along with a Blue Supermoon image from early yesterday morning.
How my photo of a white feather floating on a pond became the cover art for the new single "Eulogy Air" by Run The Enemy, a British indie and Americana band.
My mom would have been 92 today. I miss her terribly, but she is with me in so many ways. She was also with me when I went to Tishomingo NWR last Saturday.
Last Sunday I went to some local spots to look for birds. As I was driving, I saw four mylar balloons stuck in some shrubs near the Jordan River. My heart sank.
I photographed these Common Mergansers at my local pond three years ago today. I will explain why I only had a few minutes with the mergansers at my local pond.
I look forward to the Winter Solstice each year because it marks when the days start getting longer. On this day, I celebrate Mother Nature and our Mother Earth.
Tonight, across the country, ghouls, goblins, super heroes, cartoon characters, vampires, werewolves, mummies, ghosts, and witches will be ringing door bells asking for treats.
Today, I am sharing a few images of an incredible shelf cloud over Bear River MBR that I was thrilled to see and photograph yesterday morning.
My mom might have left her body but she will always be with me, in my heart, and every time I am out in field surrounded by nature.
These swirly patterns in ice caught my eye because of the light and golden reflections from the vegetation on the shoreline of a neighborhood pond.
On the 10th of November while I was walking the Jordan River I went close to the river to take a few photos of the rapids and caught a water wolf in one frame.
Sometimes when I am in the field photographing birds other things catch my eyes that I want to take images of. This Bass weathervane is one of those things.
A few days ago I came across this image of a snow white feather floating on a pond when I went down a rabbit hole into my photo archives.
While I was at Bear River MBR on Tuesday I stopped to photograph and listen to the ice that has piled up on the west side of the auto tour route.
On Friday I was looking for birds high in the sky and low on the horizon when I turned my head and spotted a fruit fly shaped cloud.
As best as I can figure out what is in this photo is a cook's memorial that I found 7 years ago today out on a range in Utah's West Desert.