Young Green-tailed Towhee In A Serviceberry
I found this young Green-tailed Towhee perched in a serviceberry high in a mountain canyon on a sunny morning on the last day of July this year.
I found this young Green-tailed Towhee perched in a serviceberry high in a mountain canyon on a sunny morning on the last day of July this year.
This morning I am sharing three late summer Cedar Waxwing images I took in late August in a canyon high in the Wasatch Mountains.
At the end of August I photographed this low light House Wren in a willow thicket high in the Wasatch Mountains next to an alpine creek.
This morning I wanted to share a few of my recent butterfly images taken in the marsh at Bear River MBR and high up in the Wasatch Mountains.
Last week while I was up in the Wasatch Mountains is saw some interesting Mule Deer doe behavior after I started to take images of two does and two fawns.
Yesterday morning I found this young Western Tanager in the Wasatch Mountains after it came out of a Gambel Oak tree to perch out into the open.
Yesterday while I was up in the mountains savoring the cool air I photographed a couple of birds on an old wooden jackleg fence that I had parked close to.
Almost two weeks ago I took a series of images of this young Rock Squirrel near its burrow next to a dusty dirt road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
On a recent trip up into the Wasatch Mountains I had a cooperative Cedar Waxwing who was perched on a branch of a chokecherry tree with blue sky behind it.
As I took these Yellow Warbler photos earlier this week in the mountains I realized that my time with these bright birds is coming to an end for the season.
While up in the mountains yesterday morning I was thrilled to take a series of female and male Sandhill Crane portraits as they fed in a pasture next to the road.
One of the birds that I photographed in Morgan County two days ago was this lovely Warbling Vireo perched alongside of ripe chokecherries. I was excited to see it.
Being in the right place at the right moment in time netted me these young Yellow-breasted Chat photos high in the Wasatch Mountains yesterday morning.
This morning I am sharing a simple adult Cedar Waxwing photo that I took four days ago as I sat in my Jeep next to a creek high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Warning: More cute Least Chipmunk photos ahead plus serviceberries high in the Wasatch Mountain Range. I just can't resist them and I don't want to.
My last stop yesterday up in the Wasatch Mountains gave me great views and photos of this immature Bullock's Oriole perched in a serviceberry shrub.
On Sunday I was delighted when this damp young Green-tailed Towhee popped up on an old weathered stump out in the open for a few moments.
I was happy to have this male American Goldfinch perched with ripe serviceberries in front of him for a few moments yesterday high in the mountains.
Towards the end of last month I found a Sage Thrasher high in the mountains in riparian habitat which surprised me. A lot.
I photographed my first of season immature Chipping Sparrow on my last trip into the mountains as it perched on a thin dead willow branch.
Two mornings ago I had an absolutely fantastic time photographing a Least Chipmunk family feeding, cuddling, grooming and playing high in the mountains.
This morning I wanted to share three male Yellow Warbler photos that I took yesterday morning in a Morgan County canyon.
On Sunday I had a wonderful opportunity to photograph an adult Willow Flycatcher up close when it landed very near my vehicle high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Last week I photographed this Least Chipmunk eating breakfast in bright morning light in a willow thicket high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Yesterday morning I spent ten minutes taking Sandhill Crane images high in the Wasatch Mountain Range after finding a pair of cranes next to an alpine creek.
I found this young Cedar Waxwing in the remnants of a small aspen forest two days ago while I watched for other birds to come in to feed on ripe serviceberries.
Yesterday morning while photographing a male Yellow Warbler I caught some movement with my peripheral vison and saw a young Gray Catbird very close to me.
I was happy to photograph an adult Cedar Waxwing perched on top of a willow thicket in Morgan County high in the Wasatch Mountains four days ago.
Last Friday I couldn't resist photographing a chunky Uinta Ground Squirrel I found standing next to a road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Yesterday I had fun taking juvenile Lazuli Bunting images as several of these young birds rested and moved around eating grass seeds for breakfast.