My Great Two Bunting Morning
Late last week I headed up into the Wasatch Mountains to look for birds in cooler temps and had a great time photographing two bunting species before 8 am.
Late last week I headed up into the Wasatch Mountains to look for birds in cooler temps and had a great time photographing two bunting species before 8 am.
Until two days ago I had never gotten photos of a juvenile Green-tailed and young Spotted Towhee in the same frame so I was thrilled when I saw them fly in.
Yesterday morning I photographed a juvenile Yellow Warbler in the patchy mix of yellow and gray feathers that they only sport for a short time after fledging.
Today my post is focused on a little brown bird with a wonderful song I photographed yesterday in the Wasatch Mountains. The LBB was a handsome Vesper Sparrow.
When I photographed this wild rose blossom and buds high in the mountains last week just seeing the flower made me happy. I stopped to photograph the roses.
On the 26th of June I had a darner dragonfly land on a honeysuckle in front of me, that dragonfly was a California Darner.
While I was up in the Wasatch Mountains last week I saw several clumps of blooming Lewis's Flax and I stopped to take a few photos of these lovely wildflowers.
This morning I'm sharing some adult Uinta Ground Squirrel photos that were taken high in the Wasatch Mountains over the past month that I like a lot.
There is a story behind these Dusky Flycatcher photos that I took earlier this week while I sat in my Jeep next to a creek in the Wasatch Mountains.
When my trips to the field are slow bird-wise there is always something else to focus on. Earlier this week it was an Ornate Checkered Beetle on Sticky Purple Geraniums.
Four days ago I stopped briefly where I knew that there was a House Wren nest and was delighted to see an adult with insect prey for its young in its bill.
This morning I am sharing photos of Mallard ducklings and blooming White Water Crowfoot taken in a creek high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Yesterday morning I was treated to seeing and photographing two cow Elk grazing on a grass and shrub covered hillside in the Wasatch Mountains.
Last week I was excited to see the the Roundleaf Snowberry shrubs high in the Wasatch Mountains had started to go into bloom.
This creekside Willow Flycatcher photo was a highlight and my favorite photo that I took yesterday while I was high in the mountains looking for birds.
Today I am keeping my post short and simple with a male American Goldfinch in his breeding plumage perched high above a Wasatch Mountain creek.
Two days ago I focused on wildflowers I found high in the Wasatch Mountains and this morning I am sharing blooming Beardtongue photos from that morning.
Yesterday morning birds were a little slow high in the Wasatch Mountains so I looked for wildflowers to focus on including blooming Scarlet Gilia.
Last week while up in the mountains on two separate mornings I was able to take some adult male Yellow Warbler photos at the same willow thicket.
Hound’s Tongue is considered a noxious weed in Utah. Although it is labeled a noxious weed I think blooming Hound's Tongue is pretty.
Why would I select a sandpiper photograph to express my Happy Father's Day wishes to all the dads out there?
A few days ago I spotted a male Brewer's Blackbird bathing in the cool, shallow water of an alpine creek and moved towards him to take a few photos.
Last week I showed my friend Steve Mirror Lake Highway in the Uinta Mountains and I was able to put him on a lifer Yellow-bellied Marmot.
This morning I wanted to share some photos of the birds and blooms that I took images of one morning last week while I was high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Late last week I stopped my Jeep in the Wasatch Mountains because I spotted a Two-tailed Swallowtail butterfly resting on a blooming serviceberry shrub.
While photographing Yellow-bellied Marmots in the high Uinta Mountains two days ago a Green-tailed Towhee popped into my view on top of a mound of sage.
While up high in the Uinta Mountains yesterday morning I photographed this female Tree Swallow checking out a nesting cavity in a Quaking Aspen.
Last week while up in the Wasatch Mountains with my friend Steve I took more images of cute baby Uinta Ground Squirrels. I simply can't resist them.
Even though I am primarily a bird photographer I won't pass up the opportunity to photograph mammals when they come into my view like this Mule Deer doe did.
Yesterday morning I had a blast photographing a male Black-chinned Hummingbird high in the Wasatch Mountains even though the light was horrible.