Ticked Off Canada Goose Gander
Two days ago, after a spring snowstorm, I treated myself to a few minutes of local bird photography, which included this ticked-off Canada Goose gander.
Two days ago, after a spring snowstorm, I treated myself to a few minutes of local bird photography, which included this ticked-off Canada Goose gander.
I had something wonderful happen yesterday following a spring snowstorm in Salt Lake City. I found my first of year Osprey close to home perched on a pole.
When I photographed this Female Brewer's Blackbird a few days ago she was the focus of attention for four nearby males that were displaying on the frosty grass.
Yesterday morning while photographing male Brewer's Blackbirds I took my eye away from my viewfinder and found a Eurasian Collared-Dove directly in front of me.
This morning, I am sharing two American Wigeon portraits. I felt fortunate to take them recently at one of my local urban ponds on a frosty, cold morning.
I took these two male Brewer's Blackbird portraits yesterday at my local pond. In one the blackbird was displaying, in the other he just looked funny to me.
Calm and tranquil, this American Coot photographed 3 days ago stood out from its typically aggressive and territorial behavior during the breeding season.
The sun came out for a bit yesterday so I went down to my local urban ponds. I was tickled to find and photograph a drake American Wigeon resting in the snow.
This could also be titled "Why I prefer to bird photography over people photography" and I will explain why this morning.
The last time I photographed at a local park I found a Great Blue Heron resting in the water at the edge of a pond in the golden light found just after dawn.
Hey there! Today's post is brought to you live from Salt Lake City, where a snowstorm of epic proportions is currently in full swing. Snow kidding.
On two of my most recent walks I have seen Great-tailed Grackles. Seeing them reminded me that Great-tailed Grackle breeding season is coming soon.
Three days ago, I took this photo of a European Starling perched on top of a crabapple tree with a brilliant blue winter sky in the background at a city park.
I enjoy photographing even the most abundant ducks at my local city ponds. I simply couldn't resist taking images of this calling Mallard drake two days ago.
I spent a little bit of time yesterday taking American Robin photos on frosty grass. The robins were feasting on ripe crabapples that have fallen to the ground.
Just a simple urban Ring-necked Duck hen photo this morning. I photographed this female diving duck at my local pond exactly five years ago today.
What bird is cuter than a fluffy butt Pied-billed Grebe? There are probably quite a few birds as cute but this one taken four years ago tickled my fancy today.
This morning my subject is a European Starling in snow. I know some people hate these birds. I know some photographers won't raise their lens for them. I do.
This morning I am sharing four American Robin photos taken three days ago close to home. Each one of the robins looks like a borb in the snow.
After the overnight snowfall two days ago I was able to photograph this Cedar Waxwing feeding on ripened crabapples along with loads of robins and starlings.
After an overnight snowfall I drove to a grove of crabapples. I photographed this winter American Robin perched in one of the fruit bearing trees in low light.
This morning I'm sharing two photos of a California Gull playing with a stick at one of my local ponds that I took during the winter in January of 2021.
I like these two American Coot portraits that I took at my local pond two years ago. The snowy background on one and the gray in the other set off the coots.
By this time in January I have usually already seen and photographed our neighborhood Bald Eagle that visits during the winter for a few weeks.
Just a quick post this morning of a photo of a 1st winter Common Goldeneye drake with a crawdad in his bill at my neighborhood pond taken last year.
I can be way too picky when it comes to sharing my images. Today I'll explain why with these urban drake Common Merganser photos taken at my local pond.
I headed down to my neighborhood ponds yesterday morning while there was some sunshine and my favorite image of the day was simply a duck on a rock.
The last time I was at my neighborhood pond I spotted a Ruddy Duck drake out in the middle of the water who was starting to transition into breeding plumage.
Some days are golden. Some days are decidedly not. This is just a short post because yesterday was definitely not.
A few days ago I had the opportunity to photograph this first winter Hooded Merganser at an urban pond that isn't far from where I live after a heavy snow.