Male House Finch In Front Of An Old Red Barn – What’s In A Name?
Just a simple photo this morning of a male House Finch perched on a greasewood in front of an old red barn at Farmington Bay WMA.
Just a simple photo this morning of a male House Finch perched on a greasewood in front of an old red barn at Farmington Bay WMA.
Last week I spent some time with American Goldfinches in their winter plumage in my viewfinder and had fun photographing them.
Last week I had the opportunity to take a nice long series of an orange variant male House Finch while it ate the seeds of a greasewood.
Yesterday I found my first White-throated Sparrow in Utah, photographed it, and when I pointed it out to a friend this sparrow became a lifer for them.
Last week I photographed three Canada Geese lifting off from Glover Pond at Farmington Bay and it brought memories from November of 2008.
I've been hearing American Pipits since around the end of September but so far this year I haven't been able to photograph even one of these birds.
I photographed this Eurasian Collared-Dove last week at Farmington Bay and noticed that it didn't have the dark collar usually seen on this species.
Our eyes can play tricks on us and that is what happened with this "headless" Red-tailed Hawk that I photographed last October at Farmington Bay WMA.
I went to Farmington Bay WMA yesterday morning where one of the birds I photographed was this resting Western Grebe with reflections of fall colors.
Changing weather is what was happening when I photographed this Ring-billed Gull last month flying over the marsh at Farmington Bay WMA.
I'd almost forgotten about this White-faced Ibis close up photo that I took at the end of last month in the wetlands of Farmington Bay WMA.
This morning I am sharing a simple image of a Hooded Merganser I found two days ago on a pond at Farmington Bay WMA that had autumn colors reflected on the water.
Today I wanted to write about how I found this secretive Virginia Rail in the marsh at Farmington Bay WMA yesterday morning.
I noticed in my Facebook memories that four years ago this morning was when I found my first of season Merlin out on the mudflats at Farmington Bay WMA.
Every year when I make my first trip to Farmington Bay WMA in the fall I dread the changes that inevitably happen.
Yesterday morning I took a series of photos of a Snowy Egret at Farmington Bay WMA with the strangest shadows I have ever seen.
About a week ago I photographed a young Pied-billed Grebe that was still in juvenal plumage on a pond at Farmington Bay WMA.
I liked these Snowy Egret photos because of the contrast of the bird's stark white plumage against the deep blue of the sky reflected on the water.
When I took these Barn Swallow images earlier this week I wondered if the swallows I was photographing would be my last images of them this year.
Greater Yellowlegs migrate starting in the summer until late in the fall and return early in the spring. I will be seeing them until about December here in Utah.
When I saw this Ring-billed Gull perched on a wooden pole at Farmington Bay WMA last week I knew I wanted to have it in my viewfinder.
I have a soft spot for gulls so when I had the opportunity two days ago to photograph this Franklin's Gull flying in a smoky sky I was both excited and thrilled.
Yesterday was kind of an opening day at Farmington Bay and the Snowy Egret show was the highlight of the day.
One of the other things that made me upset with Bob the Sandhill Crane being killed is that this could have been prevented.
Utah is hot. It is scorching. Our hottest temps are yet to come and there is no relief in sight for our drought.
Some photos just make me laugh and this spring Black-crowned Night Heron butt shot image does just that.
I photographed Tundra Swans on the ice at Farmington Bay WMA that showed the snow covered Oquirrh Mountains in the background last week.
I took a series of Western Meadowlark photos three mornings ago at Farmington Bay WMA while the sun was shining.
Today I am sharing two high key type images of an immature Red-tailed Hawk I photographed at Farmington Bay WMA.
So far this winter I have only seen one Barn Owl on the wing on the 6th of January as it flew over the marsh at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.