Rock Wren On The Last Day Of Summer
I spotted this Rock Wren at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago. The wren looked slightly out of place surrounded by the marshes that are found at this location.
I spotted this Rock Wren at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago. The wren looked slightly out of place surrounded by the marshes that are found at this location.
This morning I am thrilled to share these Long-tailed Weasel photos taken on the last full day of summer at Farmington Bay WMA which are all thanks to a Rock Wren.
Yesterday morning I enjoyed having this Yellow-rumped Warbler pop into an open area of a leafy tree at Farmington Bay WMA for a few seconds.
The flowers of fall have started to bloom. I don't know which species of asters are in these photos that I took at Farmington Bay.
On Monday, I photographed both Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs foraging in a shallow duckweed-covered pond at Farmington Bay WMA early in the morning.
I took a photos of a White-faced Ibis glowing in the morning light at Farmington Bay on Monday. This is why I am out and photographing so early in the morning.
This past Monday I focused on taking Snowy Egret images after taking photos of a Virginia Rail and Lesser Yellowlegs at a near empty pond At Farmington Bay.
Monday morning I was delighted to find and photograph a couple of Lesser Yellowlegs foraging and moving around a pond covered in duckweed at Farmington Bay WMA.
Yesterday morning while I was at Farmington Bay I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time to be able to take these Virginia Rail portraits.
While I was at Farmington Bay WMA earlier this week I stopped at one of the ponds to photograph one close American Bullfrog that was looking my way.
The first bird I photographed yesterday at Farmington Bay WMA yesterday was a curious Marsh Wren perched in a Greasewood bush that seemed to have an eye on me.
Earlier this week my last subject of the morning was a female Eight-spotted Skimmer dragonfly that landed in front of me next to a creek in the mountains.
Today is World Sparrow Day and since I love all of the sparrows on the planet I thought I'd share some of the sparrows I have photographed in North America.
Two mornings ago at Farmington Bay WMA I had a swimming immature Tundra Swan in my viewfinder for a few minutes.
The breeding season has begun for the Great Blue Herons at the Farmington Bay rookery and throughout northern Utah.
Today I am sharing two American Crow portraits that I took this morning near the water's edge at Farmington Bay WMA.
On my last trip to Farmington Bay WMA earlier this month I found a small flock of overwintering White-faced Ibis that were too far away to photograph.
On my last trip to Farmington Bay WMA ten days ago one of my birdy subjects was an adult Great Blue Heron in a light fog out on the playa in morning light.
Yesterday morning I spent part of my time focusing on taking American Coot photos in the marshes and wetlands of Farmington Bay WMA. I adore these goofy birds.
These are all birds I have photographed on Christmas Day through the years and all of them were photographed at Farmington Bay WMA.
It was a truly gloomy day when I spotted this immature Red-tailed Hawk perched in a tree with many branches at Farmington Bay last December.
This Barn Owl covered in hoar frost was taken during my first full winter living in Utah and it was also the subject of my first blog post here on my site.
I haven't been outside to measure the snow but I'd estimate that 6 to 8 inches have fallen already just by looking out my living room window.
Two days ago I spent just a few moments focused on a hatch year male Red-winged Blackbird perched in an Russian Olive tree near Glover Pond here in northern Utah.
Yesterday I spotted a Coyote in poor light at Farmington Bay WMA that reminded me of a recent photo I took of a Coyote there in late November.
I photograph tons of Red-tailed Hawks. I have shared more Red-tailed Hawk articles on my blog and images in my photo galleries than any other birds species.
This morning I am sharing a simple photo of a drake Northern Shoveler landing on a chilly pond that I took in early December of last year.
A few days ago I saw someone say that they rarely saw photos of Ruddy Ducks in flight and I remembered I had a series of them flying past taken 11 years ago.
When I spotted this adult female Northern Harrier resting on a tumbleweed yesterday morning it took a few moments for me to point her out.
Last month I spotted a wing tagged American White Pelican on October 15th and saw it again on October 29th at Glover Pond and reported my sightings.