American Robin – A Dawn Song Recording
This time of year, American Robins start to sing their dawn song about an hour before sunrise. Not just one American Robin—all of them in the neighborhood.
This time of year, American Robins start to sing their dawn song about an hour before sunrise. Not just one American Robin—all of them in the neighborhood.
This morning, I'm sharing three Snowy Egret photos—two because I like them, and the last one because it makes me laugh out loud.
It's been four years since I photographed this gorgeous male Rough-legged Hawk as he surveyed the foothills of the Stansbury Mountains in Utah's West Desert.
I honestly don’t know why I’ve never shared this photo of a young male Northern Harrier lifting off from the ground at Farmington Bay WMA in Utah until now.
It’s February again, and that always brings this male light morph Rough-legged Hawk to my mind.
Discarded fishing lures and other tackle can injure, strangle, and kill birds. I don't know how the story ended for this hooked Common Loon.
This morning, I'm sharing two winter drake Lesser Scaup photos I took three years ago today from the causeway to Antelope Island State Park in Utah.
Last week, I decided to switch my cell phone carrier and get a new phone because my ancient one wouldn’t work at all on the new network. What I didn’t know...
Yesterday, the American Birding Association announced that the Common Loon is the 2025 ABA Bird of the Year, and I was so excited. I love these striking loons!
On my most recent trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I saw, but didn’t photograph, Forster’s Terns flying and hunting over Sally Jones Lake.
My Clark's Grebe photo graces the cover of the ABA's Birding Magazine December 2024 edition, and I wanted to share the cover along with what I wrote about it.
I have to admit that, after living in Utah for nearly fifteen years, it feels weird not seeing California Gulls now that I've moved away. Really weird.
Today, I'm sharing Wild Turkey images of foraging hens I found in the Stansbury Mountains of northern Utah because it's Thanksgiving Day. It was a lovely day.
I meant to share this Red-winged Blackbird video clip earlier, but I hadn’t gotten around to merging the two videos and processing them until last night.
Last week I had my first American Pipit sighting at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. There were quite a few pipits in plowed fields on both sides of the road.
This past week, I had my first ever Arkansas American Herring Gull sighting. I was outdoors when several of these gulls were high overhead, too high for photos.
A few days ago, an old Facebook memory showed up where I shared that I had seen my first of season Tundra Swans and I realized I won't be seeing them this year.
Happy Halloween! Today, I’m sharing a black-and-white photo of a Common Raven calling out from a snowy mound with the Great Salt Lake stretched behind.
This morning, I'm sharing an American Coot photo I took last year in Utah. What I like about this photo is the coot and the concentric ripples in the water.
Yesterday morning, while it was still pitch dark outside, I heard a bird call. Then, I heard a Great Horned Owl hooting. I soon had a mystery on my hands.
This Gadwall photo from last spring is the photo I decided to share this morning. It was taken at my local pond where the multicolored reflections appeal to me.
While looking at my Common Loon photos from last spring, I came across these Double-crested Cormorant photos that I took at the same time last year.
Two days ago I shared a close photo of a curbside Mourning Dove. Today I am sharing a Eurasian Collared-Dove image taken at nearly the same time and same place.
It has been a year since I was surprised and delighted to be able to take tons of Common Loon photos at a pond close to where I live in Salt Lake County.
On this chilly spring morning, I am sharing a curbside Mourning Dove that I photographed at one of my local parks three days ago, when it was warmer.
When I was at my local pond two days ago, I couldn't resist photographing a female Great-tailed Grackle whose eyes seemed to be aglow in the morning light.
I was able to get outdoors and into the sunshine yesterday. I visited my local pond and took a series of American Robin portraits at the edge of the water.
Since spring's arrival, people will be spending time outdoors, and more people will be seeing rats in their yards and gardens. Owls eat rats and other rodents.
On April Fool's Day of 2022, I was up in far northern Utah where I spotted this adult male Yellow-bellied Marmot warming up in the morning sun on a cliff.
Three years ago today, I spotted a Marsh Wren in the marsh of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and stopped to take photos of the wren singing out in the open.