Male Rough-legged Hawk Surveying The Foothills Of The Stansbury Mountains
It's been four years since I photographed this gorgeous male Rough-legged Hawk as he surveyed the foothills of the Stansbury Mountains in Utah's West Desert.
It's been four years since I photographed this gorgeous male Rough-legged Hawk as he surveyed the foothills of the Stansbury Mountains in Utah's West Desert.
Today, I'm sharing a simple Tundra Swan portrait taken almost two years ago on a bright winter day at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in northern Utah.
While I was at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma yesterday, Steve Creek and I went for a walk, and I photographed these two Black Vultures.
Just before I photographed a winter Bobcat four days ago at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I also took photos of a frosty White-tailed Deer doe in the same spot.
Three days ago, I was more than delighted to photograph a Ross’s Goose at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in between photographing a young Sandhill Crane.
Two days ago, I was lucky enough to photograph an uncommon visitor to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge—an immature Sandhill Crane I spotted in a field.
When a frosty morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma starts with a Bobcat and deer nearby, you just know it’s going to be an awesome day!
I wanted to share this image of a female Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco today because I couldn't resist the soft, innocent look she had after the recent snow.
This male American Goldfinch caught my eye after the recent snowstorm here in Arkansas. Why? Because he's starting to molt into his breeding plumage.
When the sleet, ice, and snow stopped falling two days ago, I was outside photographing birds when I took photos of this female Eastern Bluebird eating snow.
After the sleet, ice, and snow from the recent winter storm, I was thrilled to have a Purple Finch in my viewfinder for a bit—even though it was bitter cold.
During a mixed ice-and-snow storm yesterday afternoon, I had a memorable moment with a Carolina Wren—one I'll probably think about for the rest of my life.
I spent the morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge yesterday, and I have to say, the sunrise was simply glorious. It was pretty cold, too.
I honestly don’t know why I’ve never shared this photo of a young male Northern Harrier lifting off from the ground at Farmington Bay WMA in Utah until now.
I've been meaning to share this Amber Snail photo since last summer. Today’s as good a day as any, so here it is. Pretty sure it’s an Amber Snail—though I could be wrong.
It’s February again, and that always brings this male light morph Rough-legged Hawk to my mind.
Wildflowers fit Valentine’s Day. I’ve never cared much for cut flowers—I prefer seeing them naturally, which in some climates isn’t possible this time of year.
The last week or so has been too gray and wet to get out and photograph birds, but it has given me time to think about taking more Green Heron photos in Oklahoma.
Discarded fishing lures and other tackle can injure, strangle, and kill birds. I don't know how the story ended for this hooked Common Loon.
Today, I'm sharing a cute—but very wet—Coyote Pup I photographed last July at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Spring is only 38 days away, and I’m wrapping up my first winter in Arkansas with a sense of appreciation for this new landscape and environment.
Another series of snowy birds from the snowstorm that hit Arkansas last month. This time, a Mourning Dove that dropped into the deep snow near the feeders.
This morning, I'm sharing two winter drake Lesser Scaup photos I took three years ago today from the causeway to Antelope Island State Park in Utah.
The cloudy weather the past couple days gave me time to go through images I meant to share—like these googly eyes on a bathroom sign I took on New Year's Day.
I'm not trying to wish winter away, but warmer-than-normal temps have me thinking about spring and the birds that come with it—like this male Eastern Bluebird.
Some photos I share because they make me laugh, and lately, I've needed to laugh a lot. This White-tailed Deer doe giving me the stink eye does just that.
Sunrise in February at Charleston Lake Park in Franklin County, Arkansas, can be extremely beautiful—glorious, relaxing, refreshing, and reflective.
Three days ago, I wrote about the hawks at Baker's Field in Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Today, I'm sharing photos of a Red-tailed Hawk flying there.
While at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma yesterday morning, I was delighted to photograph this adult Black Vulture on a bright, sunny winter day.
This image shows Baker's Field late last month at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. It also shows several hawks, but they aren't so easy to see.