Spring Means Nesting Birds and Chicks – Please Give Them Space
Why? Because the image is never as important as the well being and safety of my subject, especially when it comes to nests and chicks.
Why? Because the image is never as important as the well being and safety of my subject, especially when it comes to nests and chicks.
The highest peak of the Gravelly Range is Black Butte, an ancient volcanic cone, at an elevation of 10,542 feet.
I was also delighted to photograph this juvenile Mountain Bluebird on the way to Gravelly Range early in the morning.
The first day of September signals to me that cooler weather is arriving so I took a look back at some of the images I have taken in September from 2008 on.
Burrowing Owls and American Robins are about the same size but they are two very different species of birds.
I've been pretty busy lately and one of the projects that has kept me burning the midnight oil is moving my images from the old galleries to my new ones.
This isn't just just a Henry Mountain Range issue, it is a Utah issue. It is an issue where ever there are Coyotes, cattle, rabbits, hares and voles.
Ferruginous Hawks are the largest hawk in North America which are only found in Canada and the United States and recent DNA analysis suggests that Ferruginous Hawks may be closer to Eagles in taxonomy than that of a hawk.
I was photographing some Pine Siskins along a road in Madison County, Montana when this male Red-shafted Northern Flicker stuck his head out of his nesting cavity in an aspen and surprised me.
Seeing the word "Montana" so often has gotten me anxious, antsy and itching to head north soon to see more of a state that beckons to me because I have fallen in love with it.
Pronghorns are North America's fastest mammal, they can attain speeds of more than 40 miles per hour, with spurts to 70 mph and can out run almost all of their predators.