Red-breasted Nuthatch in the Targhee National Forest, Idaho
I'm posting just a simple Red-breasted Nuthatch image today that I photographed earlier this week in the Targhee National Forest in eastern Idaho.
I'm posting just a simple Red-breasted Nuthatch image today that I photographed earlier this week in the Targhee National Forest in eastern Idaho.
The Moose were plentiful on my trip to Montana and Idaho, I think I saw 10 of them including these two that were near Modoc Creek, Idaho.
I could hear the Northern Flicker excavating inside the nesting cavity and when he would stop he would appear with a bill full of shavings and forcefully eject them from the cavity.
Well, it was another fun morning at the Magical Sapsucker Tree and today the cast was joined by a pair of Mountain Bluebirds who seem dead set on taking over the Northern Flicker cavity.
Yesterday may have started off dreary but it sure got lively with a Willamson's Sapsucker, Mountain Chickadee and a pair of Red-breasted Nuthatches at the Magical Sapsucker Tree!
Just a simple post this morning of a female Cassin's Finch I photographed last May in Clark County, Idaho.
Last year in May on my first trip of the year up to Montana and Idaho I was able to take a few images of Pine Siskins in Clark County, Idaho.
The bright yellow and red of this male Western Tanager caught my eye last May while on a dirt road in the Targhee National Forest in Idaho just south of the Montana state line.
I will photograph birds big and small, those that are flashy and those that are dull. From rare to common it doesn't matter to me.
Raising the glass attached to my camera that is! I'm excited about the photographic opportunities that will present themselves in 2015.
Late last month I posted about Two Moose on the Loose in the Targhee National Forest and today I thought I'd share two more images of the moose.
On my recent trip to eastern Idaho's Targhee National Forest the first mammals I encountered and photographed were a cow and calf Moose.
I never know what treasures I will find or if I will be taking wildlife, scenic or bird images but that is part of the fun.
It was a Sapsuckery trip to Montana and Idaho last week, with Red-naped and Williamson's Sapsuckers at their nesting cavities
A month ago I photographed a pair of Williamson's Sapsuckers excavating a nesting cavity in Idaho and this past week I spent several days photographing them again.
Last month while visiting Clark County, Idaho I was able to photograph this Yellow-pine Chipmunk that was on the rail of an old wooden fence.
For a few days now I said I was going to do a post about the House Wrens I photographed at the same nesting tree as the Williamson's Sapsuckers, here it is.
Today I am posting what I believe to be a Least Flycatcher that was perched in an evergreen along a road in Idaho.
I could barely contain myself because in my viewfinder was a gorgeous red, yellow and black colored male Williamson's Sapsucker.
It won't be long before Swainson's Hawks start to migrate to South America and some may already have started their journey south.
Earlier this week I was enthralled to see the Alaska Basin that straddles Idaho and Montana and winds through Beaverhead National Forest and Targhee National Forest.
Yesterday my post focused on female Mountain Bluebirds and today I am presenting males in honor of Father's Day. I was blessed to have two fathers, one who died when I was very young and later in my second Dad came into my life.