Blue Jay With Nesting Material In Arkansas
It has been wonderfully amazing for me to see and photograph eastern birds again, including this Blue Jay with nesting material in their bill here in Arkansas.
It has been wonderfully amazing for me to see and photograph eastern birds again, including this Blue Jay with nesting material in their bill here in Arkansas.
I've been delighted to see blooming Eastern Redbud this past week everywhere I've traveled in Arkansas and Oklahoma. It is great to see them flowering again.
The female Eastern Bluebird here has been very busy the last three days, bringing in nesting materials by the beakful to place inside the nesting box.
I photographed this Great Blue Heron in low light last week at the Arkansas River Valley Nature Center. The heron and its reflection caught my eye.
Last week at the Arkansas River Valley Nature Center, I was delighted to photograph a pair of Canada Geese flying over Wells Lake in golden morning light.
The contrasting fates of eastern and western Monarchs underscore that their future is still uncertain. With dedicated efforts, we can help butterfly populations rebound—but time is running out.
This time of year, American Robins start to sing their dawn song about an hour before sunrise. Not just one American Robin—all of them in the neighborhood.
I’ve been wanting to do an update on the very territorial Northern Mockingbird I’ve called Mockzilla because of the seasonal changes happening now.
I went to a new area of Arkansas yesterday morning and explored Sunnymede Trail Park which is in Fort Smith on the banks of the Arkansas River with Steve Creek.
Yesterday, Steve told me to grab my camera. I did, and within a minute, I had a Baird's Pocket Gopher in my viewfinder—one with a wonderfully clear view.
These photos of a Baird's Pocket Gopher mark only the second time I've had this rodent species in my viewfinder—once in Oklahoma and now in Arkansas.
Before spring arrives, I wanted to share one more snowy male House Finch photo—he perched on a birdbath during a February snowstorm here in Arkansas.
Three days ago, I was more than delighted to photograph a Ross’s Goose at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in between photographing a young Sandhill Crane.
I wanted to share this image of a female Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco today because I couldn't resist the soft, innocent look she had after the recent snow.
This male American Goldfinch caught my eye after the recent snowstorm here in Arkansas. Why? Because he's starting to molt into his breeding plumage.
When the sleet, ice, and snow stopped falling two days ago, I was outside photographing birds when I took photos of this female Eastern Bluebird eating snow.
After the sleet, ice, and snow from the recent winter storm, I was thrilled to have a Purple Finch in my viewfinder for a bit—even though it was bitter cold.
During a mixed ice-and-snow storm yesterday afternoon, I had a memorable moment with a Carolina Wren—one I'll probably think about for the rest of my life.
Spring is only 38 days away, and I’m wrapping up my first winter in Arkansas with a sense of appreciation for this new landscape and environment.
Another series of snowy birds from the snowstorm that hit Arkansas last month. This time, a Mourning Dove that dropped into the deep snow near the feeders.
I'm not trying to wish winter away, but warmer-than-normal temps have me thinking about spring and the birds that come with it—like this male Eastern Bluebird.
Sunrise in February at Charleston Lake Park in Franklin County, Arkansas, can be extremely beautiful—glorious, relaxing, refreshing, and reflective.
During the snowstorm earlier this month here in Arkansas, I didn't just photograph birds in the snow, I also took a few photos of Fox Squirrels in the snow too.
I almost forgot! I wanted to share this photo of a female Purple Finch near a seed feeder taken during the snowstorm that hit Arkansas earlier this month.
The snowfall earlier this month in Arkansas provided many opportunities for me to photograph various bird species, including this male Red-bellied Woodpecker.
Earlier this month, during a snowstorm here in Arkansas, I felt fortunate to photograph a male House Finch while the snow was still falling.
During the recent snowstorm in Arkansas, I was happy to have Carolina Wrens in my viewfinder, despite the snowy and foggy weather conditions. I was more than delighted.
I still have a few more images to share from the recent snowstorm here in Arkansas, including these female and male Northern Cardinal photos in the snow.
Today, I'm sharing two very different winter Common Grackle images. One photo was taken on a snowy, foggy morning, and the other on a bright, sunny afternoon.
Two days ago, it wasn’t very birdy at Charleston Lake Park in Arkansas, and I’m okay with that. I was happy photographing winter reflections on the lake.